Saturday, February 20, 2010


I feel like I've had an extremely busy week! I'm going to really try to start blogging more often, I swear! It's hard to get in the habit of doing this. Got Peyton's pictures done on Friday...let me just say that Portrait Innovations is a great place to go! (note: Erin is not a paid endorser of this place...but could be.) Anyway, you get a lot of pics for your money, it's just hard to narrow down which ones you want.
On to another totally different note...I found out that one must MAKE pickles...evidently cucumbers don't just turn into pickles after sitting around for a long time. I wonder who in the world ever thought to make things like pickles. I think the fried pickles I ate last night gave me bizzare dreams...but then again, I always have bizzare dreams.
Case in point: I had yet another reoccuring "toilet" dream last night. I constantly have dreams that I have to go pee (really bad) and every toilet I come across is totally disgusting and overflowing everywhere! I also dream that I can't find any women's restrooms, they are all unisex, and there are no stall doors. Weird, I know.
I also dreamed about my dad again. I have reoccuring dreams about him all the time too! Those dreams are bizzare b/c they seem very real, and I'm usually talking to him about things that are going on in my life I'm catching him up on my life. It's nice to have those dreams b/c I miss him sooooo increadibly much! I wake up feeling like I got to visit with him, and that feels nice. I'm glad my lingering memories of him aren't the ones neccesarily from the hospital, but they're good ones. Whenever I dream about him, he never looks sick (like he did for his last few months). I have recently dremt several times that I am dying of cancer, and it scares me to death. I'm so afraid of getting cancer like almost everyone else in my family! My papaw is the only one who has overcome cancer...and then he had 2 strokes (still doing fine and getting better, though!) Even though my sisters, mom and I went to visit dad in the hospital all the time, saw him get down to 80 something pounds, saw him fight like hell for his life for the sake of us memories of him are still so sweet. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggresive cancers, and the survival rate is the most slim. I remember sitting by his hospital bed when he would be sleeping, holding his hand and bargaining with God, "If you just let him live, I promise I'll go to church more often...I promise I'll not screw up so much...If you just do this one thing, I'll never ask for anything else ever agian..." and so on. I hate the saying "everything happens for a reason." I'd rather say "things happen in a way in which you will grow and learn from." My dad got saved on his hospital bed...and as much as I hate to admit it, I don't know that he would've been saved any other way. As much as I would absolutely love for him to be here to see all of his awesome grandbabies, it's taken me years to be at peace with the fact that he's better off in heaven. Wow, this post went from pictures and pickles to dark and dreary...not meant to be dark and apologies! Let me just give some (probably unwanted) advise: your parents are the only ones you will EVER have...cherish every second with them! When I was a young teenager (before dad was sick) I used to be so mean to him sometimes...I'd roll my eyes, talk back, etc. I remember one time we got in an argument and I yelled that I hated him. I will never ever forget the look on his face, and I wish that was one thing in my life I could take back! Before the tears start a commin', I'm signing's to sweet dreams and good memories! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spread the love

Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and I'm super excited that Peyton is getting dedicated at church! Here's a shout out to my you bunches babe! - Since this isn't B96, I'm actually going to spread the love of financial advise! So happy Valentine's day to anyone reading.
If you didn't know, I used to be a financial advisor. I really loved my job, and I like to think I was decent at it! Since we're in a fresh new year, I personally am challenging TJ and I to up our credit score. (To be clear, it's not bad! I'm not being a hypocrite or anything, so chill.) Everyone can use a few more points, huh?
This is how your credit score is broken down: 35% of your score is your payment history (wow!), 30% is the amounts you currently owe, 15% is how long you've had credit, 10% is from how many times you have applied for credit, and 10% is your mix of credit. So obviously making your payments on time is essential for a good score. When it comes to the amounts you currently owe, technically (talking in terms of having a high score) you shouldn't be using more than 30 - 40% of your credit line. (EX: your credit line is $3000, don't charge more than $900 - $1200). The more of that credit line you charge, the lower your score will go. The best way and the quickest way to build up your score is to charge a small amount to your credit card each month and pay it off in full, leaving no rollover balance. If you have multiple cards w/balances or multiple loans, here's a tip for becoming debt free: PAY OFF YOUR SMALLER LOANS FIRST. I know, I know...people used to look at me all cock-eyed and say "well shouldn't I pay off my highest interest rate first?" Well, it's up to you...but I personally believe one feels most accomplished when they are totally getting rid of knocking out your small credit cards or medical bills first is going to light a fire under your rear end, and you'll keep going and going like the energizer bunny! It's a huge motivater. Trust me on this one! I've seen this happen soooo many times. So I'm challenging you to take the credit challenge with us...I guarentee if you follow my simple rules, you'll be sittin pretty (or a lot prettier) in just a few months!

RECAP: THE GOLDEN RULE: Pay all your accounts ON TIME.
Rule #1: pay off your smaller amounts first.
Rule #2: Pay off any and all collection accounts...remember, a charged off account looks better with a $0 balance!
Rule #3: Look at your freakin credit report people!! You can get it FOR FREE once a year. Do NOT pay for your credit report...forget that "free credit report dot com" song, they are a RIPOFF!! Go to the credit bureau sites themselves:,, and If you want your score, you will have to pay a small fee, but the reports themselves are free.
Rule #4: Dispute any items on your credit report that you don't owe!! Don't you be payin your hard earned money to losers who made a mistake on YOUR report! If you need help disputing items, email me! Send me a message on FB! I'll help you.
Rule #5: Charge a small something on your credit card and pay it off in full when you get the bill. Keep a $0 balance on it from month to month. This is a sure fire way to really beef up your score in literally just a matter of months.

Blonde moments...

Boy do I have one too many of these. I haven't posted anything new to my blog until now because: 1. Well I have been busy w/church stuff, my 3 month old, and various what-nots, and 2. because I forgot my password. Yes I'm an idiot.
Throughout the life of Erin there have been quite distinct blonde moments. Only I'm going to call them Erin moments...because these are so much MORE than just blonde moments...and if you know me, then you'll know why they are "Erin moments". (OK, I'm now muting the toilet paper commercial on the TV because quite frankly the bears wiping their butts and leaving behind toilet tissue is very distracting.)

Erin moment #1: I used to drive a 96 Ford Probe. It was my first car, and I used to love it! It was always clean and shiny and smelled good on the dark, cold, and snowy night the poor probe was broken into. I was up in the wee hours of the morn (around 3:30 am) going into work as the lifeguard at the local YMCA. When much to my suprise, everything inside my car was radio was ripped out, leaving all the lonely wires hanging loose, my book bag for school was gone, and all my cheesy Backstreet Boys and NSync cd's were...yes...GONE. I called the cops to file a police report. About this time I see a strange small car lurking throughout the neighborhood, stopping at each house. "That's the theif!" I thought. So when a cop arrived after a few minutes, I told him I saw the theif and he was creeping and stoking out other houses! I pointed down the street and said "he went that way!" The cop jumped in his car and sped off, swirving and fishtailing on the icy roads. He came back about 10 minutes later to tell me he must have gotten away because he didn't see anyone. I continued to fill out the police report w/him, and off to work I went...extremely sad, depressed, and angry that I had to drive to work in complete silence because there was no radio. My sister called me about an hour later to tell me the small lurking car that was "creeping around" was in fact the paper boy...stopping at each house to put the paper in their boxes. Yes, I sent the cop after the paper boy.

Erin moment #2: Years ago when TJ and I were just dating, I was hanging out at his house with the fam. His mom was making lunch...grilling out burgers, hot dogs and such. I was helping her in the kitchen when she said, "Go tell Terry to turn on the grill." I was much obliged to do I was so hungry my stomach was eating itself. I never called TJ's dad, "Terry" instead I always called him "butthead". So I hollered, "hey butthead, turn the grill on!" He very seriously looked at me and said "well I ain't got the keys, I don't know where they are!" I actually believed him...I told Fonda that he didn't have the keys to the what? Fonda burst into laughter as she said "you don't have to have keys for the grill...he's just teasing with you!"

Erin moment #3: When I was a young teenager, I used to get cramps on the side in my lower abdomen. I was complaining to my mom one day about it, and she said "show me where the pain is exactly". So I pointed to it, and she very seriously says "Yeah, you probably have twisted ovaries." OMG!!! I really thought for a while that I had this horrible condition called twisted ovaries, and after telling my friends about it, and letting me believe it for a while, mom finally told me while laughing "oh there's no such thing as twisted ovaries! I made it up!"

Erin moment #4: I called TJ a skinhead out loud while sitting at Craker Barrel. I thought the word "skinhead" was what they called jock football players. Needless to say, our waitress who was African-American was standing right by the table when I said "oh, my little skinhead!" and rubbed his bald head.

Erin moment #5: I was on a mission trip with my youth group, back in the day. We went to Canada. And when I say "went" I mean we DROVE to canada...all packed in a huge 15 passenger van. On the way there, I thought I would tell this hilarious joke about a Leprachan who walked into a bar...and he spit out beer and wait he walked into the bar and peed and no that's not right. A leprechan walked into a bar and ordered a beer and said he had to I know the joke, just couldn't think of my youth pastor looked at me in the rearview mirror and said "I don't think that's a very appropriate joke..." and I responded with "no I know I know this joke, let me try it again. A Leprechan was drinking a beer..." and this went on for about 15 minutes. To this day I still don't remember the joke. And looking back, I think I totally offended the youth pastor and my fellow youth group peeps!

Erin moment #6: I went out with my friends for one of their birthdays. I believe we went to the Macaroni Grill. We were taking pictures with each other, and giving her gifts, and I hollered "Happy Barmitzvah!" I could've swore that meant "Happy Birthday" in Jewish. I think everyone in the restaurant was laughing under their breath at me.

Well although I could go on and on with Erin moments, I'll stop here. Maybe another day I'll post some more Erin moments for a good laugh! Hang around me for a little while, and I'll end up saying or doing something extremely stupid and embarrassing...because that's how I roll!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Reason behind the name...

Well a part of me would like to say I named my blog "writing in the sand" because I wish I was on the beach writing in the sand. Although that statement is completely true, here's the real reason...I was trying to think of some of my favorite stories in the Bible, and the one that always comes to mind is John 8:1 - 11. When the pharisees brought an adultress to Jesus and basically said she should be stoned according to the law of Moses. They asked him what he thought, and Jesus bent down and nonchalantly wrote in the sand. Then he said "Whoever is without sin, you throw the first stone" and bent down and wrote in the sand some more. Then they all put their stones down. I like to think Jesus was thinking "ya shmucks, that's what I thought!" The way Jesus reacted to people throughout the Bible is really inspiring to me. Sure there are other stories in the Bible that I love, but this one stands out the most. I hope and strive to be like Him...non-judgemental and forgiving of EVERYONE. That's the biggie for me. I tend to hang on to old crap. (Well figuratively AND literally according to my junk room downstairs). My purpose for this blog is different things: to let out things I have pent up inside, to make people laugh, to be informative, and mainly to give me something different to do. I will write about whatever is on my mind. I will write about my life; things I've been through, success, loss, failure, marriage, financial advise, money saving tips, motherhood, etc. My goal for this is to always be interesting enough to others so they want to come back and read more, to hopefully help someone feel better about themselves, to make people laugh, maybe even cry. But if there is something I can write that can move someone else, just one person, then I've accomplished much more than I intended. So here it goes...
And by the way, I wonder what Jesus actually wrote on the ground. With all do respect, I'll go with "Dill Hole".