Thursday, March 3, 2011


Just an update on this whole potty training adventure. Yesterday, Peyton woke up from a 2 hour nap, and we let her just lay in her crib talking to herself and playing. She did this for about 10 minutes before I heard her quietly saying "potty, potty". I ran back to her room, picked her up and asked "Do you need to go potty?" She repeated and said "potty, potty." So I sat her on the toilet..sure enough...EUREKA!! We had pee pee!! TJ happened to be home, so I'm really glad he was here to witness it. We both got so proud of her we were in tears! Yes, even TJ is a huge softy, especially when it comes to his babies!
So we celebrated, gave her a special potty treat (a little toddler cookie). We proceeded to eat lunch, and she got the look on her face that says "I'm about to poop." So again, I asked if she had to go, she said "yes". So off to the bathroom we rushed...about 10 minutes of playing and reading books later, she went #2 in the potty! It was such an extremely exciting day here!
I know all I talk about lately is bodily functions of a toddler...but'll know that too when you start potty training, it's literally all you think about and do!
This morning has been another success so far as she has pee pee'd in the potty twice! (and it's only 9:20am!)
So mommas, I encourage you to be patient in whatever you are doing with your little one. I have no patience. I was ready to give up on Peyton b/c I thought she was too young to understand. Out of no where it clicked for her! I'm glad I didn't give up just yet!

By the on the other baby (since I don't talk about poor him/her hardly at all). This baby has been moving a grooving the past few days! It's amazing to feel this precious life inside you once again. I had forgotten what it was like! This baby rolls around a lot... back and forth, back and forth! He/she gets more active at night when I'm trying to go to sleep, or if I'm sitting still. It's just cool to have this feeling back again! We find out in 2 weeks what we're having...everyone has their own opinion of course, except for me. I don't have a clue what this baby is, other than human!
And some of you may be proud of me...I've been doing lots of extensive research on cloth diapers. I'm really considering them for this baby! But I'm still researching and getting opinions of my fellow mommies. On top of that I've been researching potty training techniques...I feel like my life is consumed with these things, but that's ok with me! ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Potty training...

So yes, we've been potty training Peyton since the beginning of February. It's been a huge challenge to say the least. Last Tuesday, on Feb 22 Peyton pee pee'd in the potty! I thought..."yay! Maybe now I can get her excited about it...and now she will know what pee pee is, and what it means to go potty." Wrong, wrong, wrong. I should've known better than to think it would only take one pee pee for it to sink into a toddler's brain.
Anyhow, the following Friday, Feb 25, Peyton did #2 in the potty. Let me just say, she was much more excited about that! I think b/c I got her off the toilet, showed her what she did, let her "pretend" wipe, throw the TP in the toilet and say "bye bye" to her "potty". Then she got to the whole process was fun for her. Believe me when I say, while she was going, she had no idea what she was doing.
Today, March 1st, she did another #2 in the potty. I was really thrilled this time for her, as she had an audience! I was babysitting Harley at the time, who clapped for her and tried to flush the toilet for her, but I let Peyton do the honors. :)

So, the question do I get her to pee pee in the potty again? She only did that once, and acted so nonchalant about it. The past 2 days she will actually say "potty" but only AFTER she pees in her diaper. So I am glad she is recognizing WHAT it is. We were sitting at the dinner table, and she start to say "potty" which honestly sounded like she was saying "bite, bite" - she never says that. So I kept trying to give her a bite of food, and she'd say "NO" and shake her head. When it finally hit me what she was telling me, it was too late. She went pee pee in her diaper. (sigh)

Soon we'll try the whole wearing nothing but training pants...NOT pullups. I refuse pullups b/c they are so much like diapers, I think it would confuse her young mind. My mom had bought us cotton training pants when we were little, and (being the pack rat that she is) saved them all and gave them to me! Of course, there's only a couple of white I'll be purchasing more white training pants soon (so I can just bleach them in case something BAD happens!) I really didn't know places still made cotton training pants...but looks like I'll have to order them. No stores carry them...which is bullcrap!

Trust me, I'll blog and tell you all about the messes I'll be cleaning up around the house when we start this craziness...TJ is on night work and I think I'm going to wait until his next off day to start...which means this FRIDAY! I'm a little nervous, but I really think if she can feel the wetness, she will know every single time she goes potty...and hopefully that will probe her to use the potty rather than being messy. We'll see.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby scare tonight...

Called my doc a while ago...was having painful braxton hicks contractions, and I'm only 15 weeks. Something just didn't feel right, I felt super nauseous and couldn't shake my bad feelings. So anyway, she called me back (she was in labor and delivery) and talked to me for a couple minutes. She then said "I think you're fine, but you wanna come up here and listen to your baby's heartbeat? Would that make you feel better?" "YES" I said. So we went and got admitted into labor and delivery triage. They are technically not supposed to let someone who is less than 16 weeks come in, but my wonderful OB called up front, told the girls I was coming, and they were all super nice. (OK, except for the woman who checked me in...she was a dumb ass.)

My OB actually came in, finally got the heartbeat on dopplar, checked my cervix and uterus and reassured me that everything is perfect. She is absolutely the BEST doctor!! EVER!! Most docs would have just sent their patient to the nearest ER, or told them "just try to relax and not worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing." But boy do TJ and I feel SO much better after going in. I had been crying, and it was pretty obvious to see it on my face. So after she checked me out, and told me she would love to do a sonogram but to bring that team in (since it was 9:30 at night) it would have to be an emergency. I told her that she already did so much for me, and I thanked her over and over! I said "Man, I just love you! Thank you so much for doing this for me!" And she gave me a big hug, said she'll see me on Wednesday for my normal follow up appointment.

I'm still having some cramping, and still getting BHC, but they aren't regular whatsoever, and it's not as painful as earlier. (Which they aren't supposed to be painful at all...) But, I'm just so thankful that the baby is fine and we heard his/her heart beating nice and strong. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's been a while...

Yep, it's been quite a while since I've written on here. Things at the Beeler household are going well! I'm finally feeling better (not so nauseous) but Peyton has had an on again, off again cold for a couple of months. I think it's the weather, and all the little sick kids in the nursery! She isn't around any other kids (other than her cousins) who are all very healthy, but she seems to catch colds very easily at church...most of the kiddos in there are snotty nose, coughing, etc! But I guess it's just building her immune system.

On another note, my sciatic nerve has been killing me some days. Some days is more of a dull pain, and others I can barely lift Peyton. I'm not sure why I'm experiencing this so early in this pregnancy...I didn't have the pain at all with Peyton. But laying down with a heating pad works sometimes.

I think today is the day we may end up buying her potty seat! I'm not going to be crazy concerned about potty training, we are going to take it slow! She's 15 mos now, and will be 20 (almost 21) when new baby gets here. So I figured I need to give her a few months to get the hang of it. And yeah, there's a possibility she'll hate it. I'm not going to be the mom who gets all flustered and aggravated over it though...if it happens, great! If not, we'll try again later down the road! Tomorrow TJ goes on his 7 days off (finally started his new position at work) so I thought it would be nice to start the potty training during a week when I have reinforcement! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful valentine's day! Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to do a v-day craft with Peyton...I want her to make her grandma's, paps, and cousins a card. And make mommy and daddy a card too! I saw some cute ideas where you can make hearts out of their hand or finger prints. So we'll see how easy or hard it will be...but I figured she can at least scribble on it a bit to put her own little touch on it! ;)

Friday, January 14, 2011

More rants...and pet peeves...

Ok, so here's one of my pet peeves: when people facebook or twitter about how they don't have time to do they have too much on their plate...and whine and complain about when everything will get done and slow back down. If you're that busy, get off the dang computer, people!

I'm on the computer a lot doing work stuff for church, so I'm usually multi-tasking by reading stuff on facebook (twitter, not so much). Yes, I'm nosey! But (and this may sound stupid) I feel like it keeps me in the loop of what's going on with everyone. I don't have a workplace or work friends to go to during the week, and all I hear all day is baby talk, baby whining and fussing, etc. So Facebook is sort of my outlet sometimes! I know I complain about things too...but c'mon people. If that's the ONLY thing you are doing, then you need to re-evaluate your life, your agenda, and what's really important to you.

I'm glad that there are people out there who are seemingly "motivated" or seem to have ambition to go back to school, work, raise kids, etc. I applaud them. But please, don't complain about it! You got yourself in that situation, work to get yourself out and don't complain. Not publicly, anyway! Sometimes I'm not sure if it's motivation/ambition but rather something that gives that person a busy life so they can act all high and mighty to everyone else.

Ok, I am really sounding mean. (Lord, help me to not be so judgemental...and keep to my own business!) Must be the hormones and lack of Zoloft I'm not getting any longer! I thought yesterday I was doing ok without my beloved Zoloft...but I have my good days and bad. Good thing I get to go on it again after the baby is born! Thank you Lord!

Pregnancy update...heard baby #2's heartbeat yesterday, so that always makes a great day! I've been having what I thought were really painful round ligament pains, but evidently I'm still too early in this pregnancy to have those. Doc seems to think it's scar tissue from the c-section that is stretching and growing. Eeek!

I was also pleased that I had only gained 2 pounds since my last appointment! I'm trying to stay at or below the 150 mark when I have this baby. (Ok, so I'm embarrassed to say but I'm at 139 now. I have to keep close tabs on myself...and I need to be accountable for myself!) I don't want to be a whopping 174 like I was with Peyton! I was so embarrassed the other night watching home movies w/TJ of me in the hospital. I was HUGE and didn't realize it, I guess. Yeah, I had a huge belly, but I also had a huge butt, huge thighs, big arms...everything! And that is just not healthy. So my plan is to gain weight, but very little if I can help it. I'm so self conscious these days about my body image and weight, and I'm not sure why. But I look at old pics of myself and think, "girl you used to be 115 with a flat belly. What happened?!" Oh Lord help me to get back to that one day!

I'm really scared to start a workout routine since I was not working out before I got pregnant. I know I'm out of shape, so I would have to take it super easy. But I was scared like this with Peyton...I don't want to start working out and put stress on the baby and mess something up. I don't think I could live with myself! So I'm trying to eat better, and I've decided to go mall walking at least 2 times a week. When Spring gets here I plan to go zoo walking 2 times a week, and of course walking around the neighborhood. (Ohh, I can't wait!)

I've also been thinking about having a mommy's day once a week or once every two weeks with some other stay at home mommas...just not sure if anyone would be interested. But it would be fun to get together for lunch, chat about baby/kid stuff, and let the babies play, etc. I don't know, I feel like I need some more friends! I'm going crazy some days in this house with a 1 yr old and a dog. I love Peyton with all my heart, but she is a typical toddler, and they wear you out and stretch you thin very quickly. So if you're reading this, and happen to be interested in mommy/baby play day, let me know! :) I don't even care to have it at my house, or wherever! All I know is I lost some friends when I got married, and then I lost some more when we had Peyton. And who better to understand me than my fellow mommas?

I have to give credit to TJ for helping me so much when he's home. He works overtime sometimes, and suffers from migraines most days. But he still alternates with me getting up with Peyton in the morning, feeding her breakfast, and taking over play time/story time when he gets home at night. I don't know how some ladies raise kids with a husband who isn't willing to do anything with their kids. I know of a couple of mommas that will have to get a sitter for the kids if she has to go somewhere...WHILE the husband is HOME. Hmmm, that's just not acceptable to me! So I am super thankful and blessed to have someone who is not only my friend, but my partner in everything we do. :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tantrums...oh boy.

So I was really pleased and put at ease today by reading this snippet from an article:

"As your toddler starts to develop more and more of a sense of herself as a separate person from you, she’s also learning about independence. This is wonderful and absolutely normal - but it comes along with the development of a temper and moods and a profound wish to do things her way. During this month the word "no" - probably among your baby's three or four words - is likely to become a favorite."

Oh geez, I didn't think temper tantrums and throwing fits didn't come into play until 2. I was way wrong! We try not to pay too much attention to her throwing a fit if something doesn't go her way. I told TJ I feel like it's better than punishing her...after all, I feel like she is exploring how to express herself, and I know she just doesn't know better. Let me just say, one thing I found to work: Sometimes when you pick her up and ask for a kiss she will smack your face and say "NO" (I sometimes want to laugh, but we try REALLY hard not to). So I take her hand and gently say "that's not nice" and I'll kiss her hand. Then all she wants to do is give us kisses! I swear it works like a charm! If only I could keep her from the initial smack...

This morning Peyton was trying to play with her dinosaur toy (it is one they can push or sit on and ride, and it plays songs). She was trying to push it somewhere, and I guess it wasn't going exactly where she wanted she stomped off from it, screaming and shaking her head. This lasted for about 5 minutes, but GOOD GRIEF you would have thought the world was ending.

It's always comforting to read about her development, and know that she's not the only child doing this, or isn't the only one throwing such wild fits and tantrums. I know all kids do, but seriously did NOT think it would be this early. SO BEWARE of this time frame of 13/14 months! It's hilarious and keeps you wondering at the same time what in the world do you do to/for your child when they act like this. TJ took her to Lowe's with him the other night so I could have some "alone" time (I was feeling REALLY sick). He said she was holding a small tool he was going to buy, and gently took it from her and said "Ok, we have to check out now" and she screamed bloody murder. He said he firmly told her "No ma'am!" and didn't give it back to her. Seemed to work! But I'm dreading this part...that was her first screaming fit out in public. Lovely.

In other news around here...mine and TJ's 5 year anniversary will be here in May! I'm excited, but he's wanting to go out of town for a couple days (maybe to Gatlinburg) without Peyton. I'm a little nervous about the thought of this, so we'll see what we actually end up doing. Maybe a couple days away together would be really great, since we'll have a new one in July...I have a feeling when the new baby gets here we'll be wishing we went away somewhere.

So when I'm pregnant I have really weird dreams. Last night wasn't too off the wall, but I did dream that JCPS extended their summer until September just b/c I wanted my mom to help me out with the baby and Peyton for a little longer. HA! Wouldn't that be nice?! Now that Fonda is back at work, both my sisters are full time at work, my sis in law has 2 little ones of her own, and my mom has to go back August something (I think it's the 2nd week). So I'm a little nervous that I won't get much help. TJ will obviously be off work as much as he can, but it really all just depends on his schedule. I'm sure he'll be in his new job then, so I'm not at all sure what we'll do. I'm just praying my recovery time with this c-section is ALOT quicker than my first. I just CAN'T be down for more than a week or two...and it seems like it took me about 3 weeks to really start feeling better as far as moving, walking, lifting, etc.

By the way...I mentioned last time we were going to start weaning Peyton off of having a cup of milk at nap time and bed's going rather poorly. So I'm trying to hang in there and not give it to her, but's the only thing that gets her to sleep! AHH! I'm hoping in the next couple of months we can break the pattern.