Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Peyton Baby!!

She said "mama" today!!! And yes, TJ was right....he said this morning that Peyton would say mama first. Believe me, I work with her everyday to say "dada" I know it's coming soon! I just hope the first time she says it, Daddy will be here to enjoy. ;)

My stab at couponing...

OK, so I'm really really trying to become a "couponer" know, those ladies in the grocery store w/a baskcart of food and paying like $5 for it? Yeah, one of those! The best I've done is save about $70 off my grocery bill at Kroger for using coupons and my Kroger Plus card. I still spent about $100 total though. I have gotten a few free things here and there, but I'm really going to test my skills this week and see how I do! My goal is to keep my grocery bill under $100. I usually grocery shop about every 2 weeks! I haven't been in longer than 2 weeks, so this may be dificult...but I'm gonna try! I have all my coupons cut, and will print some additional ones tonight. I'm going to start using my blog to tell people if I find any specially good deals, so check back w/me!

A super great deal I got last weekend: I bought 2 Baby Einstein dvds for $2.50 a piece, and 2 Brainy Baby dvds for $3.00 a piece! So far, Peyton really likes them! Here's the trick: whenever Baby's R US is having a BOGO on their dvds, find internet coupons to print out, and there ya go! (EX: I had 2 $5 off coupons for the Baby Einstein dvds. No coupons for Brainy Baby, they were already clearanced out and still qualified for the BOGO)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Old men

So I'm taking turns with my family staying with my papaw because he had a couple strokes and can't live by himself right now. He's doing really well, and I thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers for him! He cracks me up though...for example, this morning before I got to his house, his nurse visited him. She put a huge band-aid on his hand b/c he had a small cut. Wouldn't you know, he talked about this bandaid for the first 2 hours I was there! After going on and on about "why that nurse would've done such a thing" he ripped it off his hand, lifted his arm in the air and while waving it around said "woohoo!" You know how old men have that typical stubborness (is that a word?) about them. The next big event that happened was another nurse was coming over to give him a bath. "Well why are they doin that? I don't guess I need anyone to do that...maybe to wash my face, but I don't want them washin down there..." OH LORD, papaw! I finally was able to talk him into letting this nurse give him a shower, and he did...after telling her 50 times in a row not to get his butt wet...LOL! I love my papaw. He was really glad to see Peyton and I today. The last time I went to visit him he was in the hospital still (recovering and doing therapy) and he was super grumpy and very stand-offish. But I was really glad to see him in a much better, yet still stubborn mood! He told me stories about living in Hawaii for a year (he was in the army), how a few years ago he broke his leg at my cousin's basketball game, and about how good "that black nurse" took care of him at "that place o'er there I was at" as he says. :) It's just nice to spend time with the old men in our lives sometimes!