Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holidays and other things

So Christmas was great...went by a little too fast, but we had fun! Peyton got all kinds of good, lots of board books (which she loves and can't tear up), a little play kitchen (someone gave it to us practically brand new for it was from "Santa"), a new rocking horse, a couple of new baby dolls and a baby stroller (which she loves pushing it around everywhere!) We're still needing to plan out our Christmas day a little better so it's not so much running around...we go to my mom's in the morning, then his mom's for lunch, then back to my mom's for dinner with extended family. No one wants to move their Christmas to another day, so we're just kind of stuck going back and forth with poor Peyton melting down from no naps. We ended up having to leave his parent's house early b/c "demon child" was starting to come out! ;)

TJ has been off work for a few days (he's back today) but it was nice having him home and spending lots of time together! Especially since we thought he was going to have to work Christmas Eve and day...luckily his off days fell on paid holidays, and paid vacation days. So we didn't lose any money! That's ALWAYS a plus!

My search for potty seats is coming to an end...I told Peyton that maybe the Easter bunny would bring her one! (Let's get's still too early for her to be potty I figured the spring would be a good time to start) :) For Christmas my niece, Harley got a potty chair and I caught Peyton sitting on it a couple of times. So that was promising!! I have narrowed my choices down to 2 potty seats:
($30) So I like this one because it has the built in step stool and handles for children to be more independent. After reading tons of reviews, most people loved it but many said it does not adjust in size, so it doesn't fit every toilet. Well, our toilet is newer, has an elongated seat, and sits a smidgen closer to the ground than I'm afraid it may not work. But, other than the size issue that only a handful of reviewers had, everyone else loved it...their little ones became much more independent potty goers a lot sooner.
Here's the other option:

It's a Baby Bjorn brand, so it's a little expensive...about $30. BUT every review I read was great. This by FAR had the best reviews out of all the other potty seats. It fits over top of any toilet seat...somehow it is adjustable. Yes, it's just a seat without the handles and step stool and whatnot, but after reading the reviews I'm pretty much sold on it. No one mentioned their kid missing having any handles or anything. I found a 7 inch step stool that has a non slip bottom and top that will work for us...only $7.99 at Babies R Us.

So I'm definitely sold on the idea of a potty seat and NOT a potty chair. The chair just won't work for us and our tiny upstairs bathroom. However, if Peyton ends up being afraid of the big potty for whatever reason (which I don't think will be the case...she wants to go in there and play with it all the time...YUCK!) we'll end up getting a potty chair...and most likely the Baby Bjorn brand. Not that I'm stuck on brands at all...but again those brand potty chairs got good reviews. Some potty chairs have a high front and looks to be a little uncomfortable for a small child to get their leg over to sit on it.

So anyway, there's my take on the whole potty chair/set thing! I talked to my sis in law about beginning potty training, and I feel like I have a good plan in place. We're slowly weaning Peyton from having her milk as she goes to sleep (this is causing her to have REALLY wet diapers in the mornings). When the time comes I'll probably start out slow with the potty...only put her on first thing in the morning, and at night before bed. Misty (my sis in law) told me this worked really well for her kids since they were too young to really grasp the concept of going potty...this way they got used to the pattern of going. Sometimes they would "go", sometimes they wouldn't. But she let them get used to it FIRST. Then she gradually added in a lunch time potty, and so on and so forth. So this seems like a really good and consistent plan that we will try! So in a couple months...we'll see how this will work! :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Come on 2nd tri...

I would love to just lay around on the couch all day curled up in a ball drinking ginger ale. Morning sickness is for the birds! It sucks b/c I'm starving, but I feel so sick I can't imagine actually eating anything at all. And the thought of feeding Peyton makes me a little more sick! She's actually still sleeping (at 8:38am!) but good thing all she eats every single morning is oatmeal. I don't think I could deal with any other food at the moment. OK...pity party is over!

I'm looking forward to sisters and mom are all off work and we're going to attempt to take the girls to see Santa. I know, we are probably really crazy, but just want a pic of all 3 on his lap. So, we'll see how this goes! We're going to start a yearly tradition of making Christmas cookies too. I know the girls will love that when they get a little older and can actually do something!

Something has been on my mind a lot lately...and it's a VBAC. I know I have a long ways to go, but I did talk to my doc about a VBAC and she said I was a very good candidate since I never labored with Peyton. However, I would have to see a different doctor b/c the practice I go to will not do VBACs. First off, I don't want to leave my OB, she is absolutely great! Then we talked about the risks associated with it. I would have basically a 1% chance of having my uterus rupture, because the scar where my first c-section is would be so weak from stretching during pregnancy. So 99% that I would have a totally successful delivery. BUT she made it clear that IF I fell in that 1% things would be catastrophic. I mean, it would mean life or death for me and the baby. So I'm pretty sure I'm just going to have another c-section. Although I would love to know what a v-birth is like, I just don't think I'm meant for it. I really would rather not take the chance, even though it's just 1%. Of course when I talked to TJ about it, there was no question...he said "you're having a c-section!" The only sucky thing is the recovery time and having a new baby AND a toddler. Good thing mom will still be on summer vacation because I plan on her being here a lot to help me...and I plan on her taking Peyton to her house for a while while I try to rest and recoup.

We'll see how it will all play out...I've been told by many friends and my OB that the 2nd c-section recovery time isn't as bad as the first, and that your body heals up faster. I hope that's true for me! Well I hear a little voice jabbering from down the hall...I think she's ready for breakfast. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our BIG news...

So if you haven't seen it on Facebook already, TJ and I are expecting baby #2! I'm 7 1/2 weeks along, due beginning of August (BUT technically the end of July b/c I'm having a c-sect again). We're soooo very excited! I know many people are thinking "Were you trying?" or "Don't you ever use birth control?" And the answers are: Yes and sometimes! I wasn't on any birth control (um, that's usually how it works, huh?!) but I wasn't charting my cycle, basal body temp, cervical fluid/position, or any of that. We were just letting things 'happen' and hoping for the best. :) I'm really excited that Peyton and this baby will be about 20 close to 21 months apart. My older sis and I are 23 months apart, and I absolutely love it! I'm close with both of my sisters, and I like that we are all 3 close in age.

So in answer to your next question...yup I'm feeling REALLY sick. And it's usually an all day long kind of sickness. I haven't had any vomiting yet, but the nausea is really kicking my butt! The doc did call me in some works only sometimes. I try to keep my mind off of it since I'm usually chasing Peyton around, reading her books, playing with toys, trying to keep her from climbing on and in everything, etc. etc. I was nauseous with Peyton, but it came in waves throughout the day. I would at least get a break and feel great at certain points throughout the day with her. With this one, not so much! But that's ok...I'll take all the sickness and yuckiness if it means having a healthy baby. Everyone tells me that maybe I'm having a boy since I'm so much sicker than before. I don't believe that stuff...I think that every pregnancy is different, and you just never know!

Well this time around I will blog and document more about my pregnancy progress! I was too afraid to with Peyton. I guess I was afraid I would jinx something by writing and talking about it all the time. Towards the end of my pregnancy I got a little better about it...but I still never felt extremely comfortable...and I thought no one would give two craps about what I had to say! But, I find it very comforting and informational to read about other pregnancies, life with kids, etc that other moms post, so I'll try to do the same.

My next major hurtle...potty training Peyton! She's too young right now, but in about 2 or 3 months I will start to try. I just CAN'T and won't have 2 kids in diapers. So I need to get her over with and completely potty trained, and want to give myself plenty of time to do so! So I'm already debating...little potty for her, or get a potty seat for the big potty? There are so many pros and cons to them...
Little potty cons: I would have to clean it after every use, our bathroom is REALLY small (and I mean really small) and I don't know where we'd put and store it, I would still have to potty train her how to use a big potty anyway. Pros: She might feel more comfortable on it (being her size), she could use it on her own (not have to climb up to get on anything).
Big Potty cons: she could fall off, she could be scared of the big potty. Pros: She will know right off the bat how to use a big potty and hopefully would feel comfortable using one out in public, I just have to cleaning required (aside from the normal cleaning of the potty that I do!), space saver obviously.

So while I research, and debate, and read articles and consumer reviews (because, well, that's what I do with everything) I will let you know what we decide, and when we will start. Potty training a 15/16 month old will be hard work, and I get that. I'm not going to force her though...if she isn't ready, she just isn't ready. But, we'll see how this all turns out. So stay tuned!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Visiting Jack

So Peyton and I went to visit Jackson at my mom's house earlier. I almost cried when he greeted me at the door...he was very sweet to me and to Peyton! Although I miss him, I still stand by our decision to let him live elsewhere. I hate it so bad...I wish I could have used Cesar Milan's dog whispering skills to whip him into shape so he could still be with us. But, it just wasn't meant to be. He is really happy at mom's house...eating good, playing good, and he sleeps cuddled up with her under the covers every night (which I know he loves). So anyway, we stayed for a couple hours and I still had to be careful with Peyton walking around him. He did eyeball her a couple of times and I had to get on him. Not that he would ever attack her, but he just doesn't want her in his space, and his facial expressions are just slight enough for me to tell her to back off, or to tell him, "NO".

Peyton and I took him a huge rawhide bone, which I'm sure he's absolutely LOVING right about now. I do feel really bad for people who have to get rid of their dogs and never get to see them again. I know that some people don't care about it...they think a dog is replaceable. But not to me! My dogs have always been a part of my family (even when I was a little girl I thought this). I'm just so glad that Jack's situation has worked out so well.

Zoe is doing much better. She doesn't seem near as sad any more, she's been chewing on her bone, eating well, and playing like normal. I'm not sure how we got lucky enough to have such a good dog, but I sure am thankful to have her! Peyton likes to touch her ears and nose and eyes while saying what she is touching, and Zoe just lays there and lets her. I love not having to be stressed all the time, and not having to be on pins and needles waiting for Jack to growl at Peyton again. I miss the little booger...especially when we get home from somewhere and he isn't there to greet me. But his behavior has improved TONS already since living with mom. So I know it was good move for us and for him.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Surprises...

I got home from a meeting tonight around 9 and Peyton was already in bed, fast asleep. I went to put my jammies on, and in the clean clothes laundry basket I found her little rubber duckie. It just made my heart melt! She is always leaving her toys, or socks, or shoes in strange places and when I find them I just have to smile. Next to the basket was her little hot pink sock. My mind went back to earlier that day when she picked up her sock, and I asked "Where does that sock go?" She looked at me, crinkled her nose and grinned, and put the sock on top of her foot. :)

This evening TJ said he didn't give Peyton a bath before bed, so I asked "why?" Not that it was a big deal, she skips every now and then. :) But anyway, he told me that she was acting really sleepy and getting fussy (they had been in the basement playing) so he brought her upstairs and sat on the couch with her for a minute. She got up, walked into her room, and came back to him with her bunny and her pj's. When he told me that story, I seriously almost cried...she is just the sweetest, cutest, smartest little thing to me!! At 12 months old, she may not say all of her words very clearly, but boy does she know exactly what you are talking about when you talk with her. It's quite amazing! I didn't think babies could learn that fast...she loves to have books read to her, so when I tell her "go get a book and bring it to momma and we'll read it" She will walk her little self to her bookcase (or to a toy basket), grab a book, come back and hand it to me, and sit in my lap. It just totally makes my day everyday when I see her do something like this. I know every mom is proud of their kids, but I never really knew that your heart could feel like it would burst with pride and love for your little baby! So tonight, and EVERY night...Hug them tight, and kiss their sweet face. I miss the nights I have late meetings and I can't kiss Peyton goodnight. (She did end up waking up crying (teething) so I gave her some Tylenol, lots of kisses, and some warm milk.) There is seriously nothing better in the world to me than being a mother...a mom especially to Peyton. :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rantings and ravings...

I was extremely annoyed by a friend on FB posting about how her daughter is teething, kept her up all night, and how much respect she has for full time working mothers b/c she doesn't know how they do it. Well, I agree...but I have respect for ALL mothers. Because at LEAST the working mothers get a "break" by getting out of the house away from the screaming and fussing on top of the pooping, peeing out of the diaper, throwing of the food, falling and bumping the head, etc. Now, let's get this straight...I'm all for working mothers! I would be a working mother if I had a career I loved, and cheap or free childcare. BUT, I fully believe God intended me to be a stay at home mom, and He has blessed us for me to be able to do so. SO, next time let's not make this a war against stay at home moms, and working moms (which this friend does quite a bit). I respect ALL mothers who give up their bodies to their growing babies in the womb, who even attempt to breastfeed (because that's a battle in and of itself), for those who go to work everyday who I'm sure miss their babies beyond belief, and for those who stay home, get practically nothing done and want to pull their hair out on most days.

I had another friend straight up tell me once that she could NOT stay at home with her kids. Not that she doesn't love them...she's a great mother who loves her kids beyond belief! But she said she likes the balance of work and home, that it keeps her sane. :) Hmmm, sanity...oh how I miss you sometimes! It's like my lovely sister in law (SAHM) said (about both her and me) "we get through the day with our little friend, the anti-depressant pill!" LOL...that's for sure!

So for all mothers out there, no matter what you do...I respect you just for being a mom. It's a tough job, but one that NONE of us would give up for anything in the world!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Free Christmas cards from Shutterfly?!

Christmas is very quickly approaching, and I am *trying* to get everything done early this year! It never fails...I usually wait until the last minute on something or another. BUT I refuse to do that this year! Last year I didn't even send out Christmas cards...this year will be a different story. Especially since is giving away 50 FREE holiday cards to bloggers! YIPPEE!

I can't decide which one I will get...oh my gosh there are so many to choose from. Here's some I really like...

Although I'm not sure how I will choose. Well anyway, I'm happy about sending out Christmas cards this year...and at the same time I'm bummed about not sending them out last year! I meant to...but of course I had a teeny tiny baby, and was a huge emotional MESS!

Now, I will say I LOVE Shutterfly b/c of the variety of products they have. I used this site for Peyton's birth announcements last year (got 25 of them for $6.95 shipped!) They usually have really good coupons to go with their products. We also ordered Peyton's birthday invitations (you can see a pic of that on a previous blog post) which they turned out super cute! So make sure you check out Christmas invitations, photo cards, calendars and more HERE!

Tomorrow's plan: put up the Christmas tree. I'm hoping Peyton doesn't knock it down or brake any ornaments. If I knew then what I know now, I would've bought the ornaments that don't brake so easily. These will shatter if you flick them! She's pretty good about clasping her hands tightly together at her chest when you say, "No, don't touch!" It's really quite impressive how she responds so well to direction. :) She makes me happy!

On a side note: I'm hoping my spirits will be brighter come Christmas time. We had to get rid of Jackson tonight. He bit Peyton on the hand, and THAT was the straw that broke the camel's back. He's living with my mom now, and although I know I can go see him anytime, it still is so sad for me...and Zoe. She really misses him, and I'm worried that she will be grieving for some time. BUT, I know I have to look out for Peyton's best interest, and Jack was just not changing. I miss the little guy so much...he's been MY dog for the past 7 1/2 (almost 8) years. So, here's to happy memories we're leaving behind with Jackson; I know he has an awesome home. My mom absolutely loves that dog! He's super sweet and incredibly intelligent, but just not good with small children. So tomorrow we're not only putting up the tree, but I'll be trying to lift Zoe's spirits with, perhaps, a new rawhide bone and a toy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day is a comin'!!

Today was a rough day for Peyton and I. I know every mommy has them, but they absolutely SUCK! She wouldn't stop crying this morning after TJ left. I thought she was just sleepy b/c she had a rough night of sleep last night. (Kept waking up crying, and going right back to sleep.) Nope, not tired enough to take a nap! She wanted me to hold her while she fussed. So, I assumed it must be her can see the outline of her two front teeth like they are about to break through. Gave her Tylenol, and that didn't seem to help. 2 hours later (and lots of frustration) I had to cancel lunch with my good friend b/c Peyton was such a mess.

I decided I would drive her around in the car, because at that point I was completely out of ideas and I was wearing thin after 3 hours of this crying/fussing/wanting to be held constantly (which, by the way, is so not like Peyton.) She fell asleep, so we came back home where we both slept for about an hour. She woke up crying. Again.

SO...she ended up smashing her finger in the cabinet doors in the bathroom (I know it hurt her really immediately turned purple-ish and got swollen), and a few hours later when it was time for her afternoon nap, she ended up crawling/falling out of her crib! I was absolutely terrified! There I was sitting in the recliner with the TV down really low since I was trying to get her to sleep. I could hear her in her room drinking milk from her sippy cup. She got super quiet (I thought she drifted off to sleep) and then a loud THUD...followed by a scream. I knew instantly (not sure how...) that she had fallen. Thank God she didn't fall on her head and hurt her neck, or brake something! So after calming her down, I lowered her crib to the lowest point it could go.

I really shouldn't complain when I have bad days like this...after all I am absolutely BLESSED beyond belief. I am so happy that I even have Peyton, much less that I am able to stay home with her everyday. Although it's a tough job, one that many of my mommy friends say they could never do, I have to thank God for all that He has given me. I thank Him everyday for our sweet girl, even on days when she is being rebellious and defiant! I thank God for a husband who understands when I just need to go in the other room and cry...for a man that gets up EVEN ON HIS DAYS OFF when Peyton wakes up, just so I can snooze another 30 mins to 1 hour...for the guy who comes home from work super tired and immediately starts helping me out with her.

So anyway...Thanksgiving is in 2 days, and this past week I've been thinking about everything I'm thankful for (which is a lot). But I must not ever forget to praise God and thank Him, even on the crappy days. Sometimes it's so easy for me to forget to do that! So here's to eating way too much food and to taking at least a couple of naps in between eating...Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update on the Beeler household...

So Peyton's 1st birthday was fun! On the day of her actual birthday we opened presents at home (TJ's parents came over just to see her). She seemed excited for her presents, and actually played with them. And of course tried to eat the wrapping paper too. Her birthday party was the following Saturday, and it was (surprisingly) low stress! Thanks to all the help from my mother in law, mom, sister in law and sisters. They all helped make food...I made some chicken salad sandwiches and picked up the cake and that was that!
Peyton did not like her birthday cake. She didn't want to eat...I think there was too much going on for her. Didn't really want to get her hands in it either, so I didn't push it (because I know how she is...if I try to get her to do something she really doesn't want to do, EVERYONE will hear little 'ol her pitch a fit.) Crazy how a little 1 year old can pitch such a fit! When she's really mad or upset, she bites her own hand...making her cry even more. Sounds mean, but it kind of makes me laugh! That's bad to say, huh?!

So not much new going on. My days consist of trying to do something fun with Peyton to keep her occupied and happy, and to keep her learning about new things! Sometimes we just go to the mall and walk around. It's fun to do that now that the holidays are coming up, she loves looking at the trees. She points and says "Dites" for "lights". Almost sounds like she is saying "dikes" LOL! I'm constantly cleaning the house, picking up after her, doing laundry and dishes, getting dinner ready, running to the grocery when needed, taking TJ lunch when needed, and when she naps I work on the computer doing church stuff. Really, I stay pretty busy! Honestly it's a job in and of itself keeping up with the cleaning and laundry...much less with a 1 year old walking right underneath my feet...OR constantly walking into another room where I can't see her! Now I know working mothers have it hard too...I'm not sure when they find the time to get it all done either. I try to keep things so that TJ doesn't have to do ANYTHING at all. Not that he won't, he's a great help! But I just like to have it all done for him...he works hard at his job providing for us, so I figure it's the least I can do for him!

I'm really so excited about Thanksgiving next week...excited that Peyton can eat "big people" food (to an extent), and I'm ready to see how she likes everything. I must say...I really think my life was just extremely bland and boring before she came along. She really does keep me (us) on our toes, and keeps us laughing all the time! It's not always fun, definitely not always glamorous, but becoming a mom was one of the best things that's happened to me!

So anyway...tomorrow Peyton and I are going to the park in the morning (yes, I know it's cold) but we're getting (searching for) 24 pinecones for my sister's 1st grader's project. Fun! We shall see how this goes...I'm hoping I can just find a HUGE pine tree with a ton of those suckers on the ground. Jackpot! :)

Good night to all...and if I don't blog before then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family/friends!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Peyton's 1st bday

Citrus Surprise Birthday Invitation
Birthday party invitations and cards by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Am I making a mistake?? :/

Every year the Louisville Zoo holds "the world's largest halloween party" and if you've ever been, it's pretty much complete chaos. You can hardly walk 2 feet without getting run over by a stroller, or without running someone else over with your stroller. It's crowded, and you're almost guaranteed to step in bubblegum, get sticky candy on you, get something spilled or spit up on you, or perhaps your luck might have it that a bird poops on your head, or you step in some other type of animal poop.
We've braving the crowd and taking Peyton for her first "trick or treat" experience tonight! My sisters and their babies are going too. So this could either turn out to be great, or it could turn out to be hectic and stressful. Either way, it'll be an experience not to forget! I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep, which is not NEAR enough for me. So I'm trying to drink as much coffee and sweet tea that I can in order to prepare myself for the big event tonight...and it's not really helping with anything other than making me pee every 10 minutes and making me feel shaky.
Anywho...I was going to work out and complete my day 4 of the 30 day shred...but I have Gracie today and given my current state, it's probably not wise for me to work out today!

On a totally different note: I went grocery shopping (admittedly I haven't been in more than 2 weeks) and only managed to spend $140! Before my coupons I was almost at $200. So I'm slowly getting back into the coupon swing of things! Took me a while, but yesterday I went through my coupon book and organized it, threw away all the expired ones and cut out new ones. The way I have organized my tiny book has helped me tremendously! (Broken down by breakfast foods, frozen foods, refrigerated foods, canned foods, bath items, etc.) I also checked out the latest Kroger ad and matched up some of my coupons ahead of time to some items that were on sale already! I love having plug ins, refills and air/fabric fresheners on hand that smell great. Air wick and glade items are on sale at Kroger...combine them with coupons and you get a steal!
For example, I got a free air wick warmer unit (plug in), a double refill pack of air wick scented oil for $2.49, purchased 2 Glade room sprays (fall scent) for $1.24 a piece, pop tarts for $1.56 a box (for 3), box of snuggle sheets for $2.59, their frozen chicken breasts were on sale, as well has a huge rump all in all I was pretty pleased with all of my purchases. I didn't have coupons for nearly everything I needed, but I'm stocking up and I have a good feeling about my next trip. :)

Seriously...we're pretty cool...

I'm not talking about TJ and I, although really we are! Hahaha! I'm talking about LifePointe. It's our church...although it's definitely more like a family than a church has ever been for us. TJ and I started checking out LP about 2 1/2 years ago (wow..seems longer than that!). We got invited by our really good friends Jen and Andy. Honestly we went because we weren't happy with where we were...we just didn't fit in anymore, and both of us felt God leading us somewhere else but we didn't know where. TJ and I were at a very critical point in our lives and I don't think we realized it at the time how critical it was. Not that we were having hard times in our marriage or anything! Quite the contrary...I mean that if we hadn't moved out of where we were attending church, we could have very easily fallen stagnant with our faith. ("So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Rev. 3:16)

The moment we walked out of the first service we attended at LP, we looked at each other and knew that this place would be our "home". A place where we could be authentic and real. A place even where we would not be embarrassed or feel weird about asking someone to come visit b/c of being afraid of how others would greet them, look at them, etc. Most of all, we felt that this was a place we could really dig in and grow an even stronger connected relationship with Jesus.

The message was real, the people were real, the music was was none of that fake church front that is put on by so many. I used to invite people to church so they would leave feeling all warm and fuzzy hopes that something about the sermon or the music would spark something to put a smile on their face. I invite them now because I know that deep down everyone has an empty spot in their heart and in their soul and the ONLY thing that can fill that is the unconditional love of Jesus Christ...and I want nothing more than for people to find Him and fill their void. It doesn't mean that I think LifePointe is the only place they should go to get this void filled. It just means that I truly believe LifePointe is a safe, authentic place for people to check out the claims of Jesus Christ, to give their hearts and lives to Him, to fall in love with Him, and develop a beautiful and deep connection with Him.

There were several times I wanted to, and seriously almost gave up on God and church all together. You see, I have been in church all my life...growing up my parents took us to church (against our will!) every single Sunday (and sometimes Wednesday night). So my faith wasn't new. I wasn't a "new" Christian...even though I believed in Christ long before, I was officially saved at age 17 and was on FIRE for God (as many new Christians are). I distinctly remember wanting nothing to do with God about 2 years ago...after suffering through 3 miscarriages I was done. How could a God I gave my whole heart to do something like that? Put me through something like that? I could not bear losing another child...I could not fathom the thought of getting pregnant again only to have my body fail me, and what seemed like my Lord and Savior fail me too. I seriously felt like God was a giant kid on top an ant hill with a magnifying glass trying to zap tiny, inconspicuous me just for spite. I felt no love, I felt absolutely nothing. I remember asking TJ "why should I continue to love and serve a God who doesn't care?" And then after sticking it out, continuing to go to church, continuing to pray, I lost my fourth baby.

I was so completely devistated, and I think pretty much everyone around me knew it. December of 2008 was a turning point for me in my faith journey though. TJ kept encouraging friends and family kept encouraging me...and something kept pulling me back to church, back to God. That December my good friend and pastor, Jamey told me he wanted to pray over me. I was immediately excited. Some people may have been skeptical, but I did know Christ, and I knew of his miraculous healings...and I just hoped that this would be IT. After many, many doctors and specialists telling me "there is nothing medically wrong with you to cause your miscarriages" and after many, many painful tests done on my body to tell me that there was nothing physically wrong that was causing me to miscarry, I was more than ready for something, anything different.

One of my last "tests" was an ultrasound where they inject and fill your uterus with saline solution and take lots of ultrasound pictures to see if there are any abnormal growths inside the uterus. The doctor found something suspicious, but told me she wouldn't do anything about it unless it started to grow. I would have to come back in a month to have the test redone to find out if there was actually something that needed to be removed...if there was ACTUALLY someTHING that was causing me to miscarry. Deep down I hoped there was...I hoped that there was something the doctors could fix.
December of 2008 all of my family and friends came to the church service. At the end of the service we partook in communion and some others got prayed over as well. Jamey anointed my head with oil, and all of my friends and family stood around me, they placed their hands on me and prayed out loud. I sobbed. I had nothing left in my body to give, and it was so powerful, I sobbed...and I did pray that God would allow me to receive His healing. That day I felt the most indescribable feeling of my life. That day changed my life.

January 2009 I went back to the doctor, had the test done again to find out that the so called "spot" in my uterus was gone. They could not tell me (medically) what happened. End of February 2009 I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl, Peyton. November 4th, 2009 at exactly 2:00 pm my sweet miracle baby was born in perfect health. Today she is the most precious and beautiful 11 month old I know! I owe it to God...I owe her to God...I owe my life, my everything to God. So seriously, it doesn't matter where you go to seek Him, just seek Him...and you will find Him. And I promise, your life will never be the same.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

DAY 3 COMPLETE...with chocolate cake too!

OK...back on my workout regimen! I lost sight of my goal for about a lazy. There's really no other excuse! But I completed day 3 of the 30 day shred, and I must say I feel pretty darn good! After my workout I did feel pretty queasy as usual. We had dinner at the in-laws tonight...fried chicken, mashed potatoes, baked beans, macaroni & cheese and rolls. Then I came home to have the last piece of chocolate cake from KFC. Alright, so my eating habits need some major tweaking! I'm taking baby steps here! :)

On a totally different note, I just have to say my peace about something. This month is October (duh) it's also breast cancer awareness month. I fully support breast cancer, and think it's a horrible, terrible disease. But I can't help but wonder why breast cancer gets so much hype? There are many many other types of cancer, yet this one in particular gets all the glory. I don't really get it. I know breast cancer is just as serious, and is probably among the top things that kills women (next to heart disease). When I see all the NFL football players go all out to wear all the pink, it does make me just a tad bit mad. Breast cancer is one of the most survived cancers of them all, and it is the most funded. So why don't we focus our efforts on another type of cancer? Again, I'm glad that the funding has happened for breast cancer, that is probably why they have been able to save people's lives...through all the research and whatnot. I'm just ready for everyone to focus on all the other cancers and help fund and support those too.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall is here, my mums are dead.

So Louisville's weather is finally cooling off! I'm trying to motivate myself to take Peyton to the zoo a couple times a week just to walk around for the exercise...I would love to go but just not sure yet about going just me and her! I need to buy and carry some pepper spray, or maybe a taser. Perhaps then I would feel more comfortable! But then I worry about "what if she gets in to the pepper spray or tases herself on accident?" Geez, when did I become such a worrier? I know, I will only get worse. Blah, blah, blah.
So while on Facebook earlier, someone's status got me thinking about lost friendships and how they come to the point of "death". I was really good friends (I had considered her my best friend at one point) with someone, and somewhere along the way she stopped talking to me/calling me. I sit and beat myself up over losing this friendship, but I'm not sure that it was something I even did. If you've had something like that happen to you, and if you're a woman, I'm sure you do the same and wonder about it from time to time. I guess if someone doesn't think you're worth fighting for, then should you fight for them?
And yes, just like the title says and just like the friendship (or lack thereof) I talked about above, my fall mums are dead as doornails and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I watered them, and even talked and pet them! Hahaha! But regardless, both situations suck! OK, one more than the other...but still...
Also, I AM going to continue the 30 Day Shred! I know I took some days off, and I shouldn't have. But, the funeral was just a little much and exhausted I napped instead of working out! Tomorrow I WILL get back to it! (As long as I can find my will.) :D
Good night!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I hate today.

My papaw passed away today at age 86. This day has felt like it's lasted forever...I'm emotionally drained and exhausted. I used to take Peyton with me to his house and sit with him since he couldn't be by himself after his stroke. You know what his #1 complaint was? No, it wasn't his lack of coordination, wasn't his inability to walk and get around like he used to, wasn't his inability to speak the way he used to...#1 complaint was his inability to read his Bible. Papaw was a godly man, and loved the Lord. You could always find a Bible by his nightstand, and one by his recliner chair in the living room (where he sat all the time). It frustrated him to no end to not be able to read it. He could see the letters on the page and could read some of them, but the words in the sentence would get jumbled and confuse him. He did also complain that he was never going to get in his car to drive to McDonalds to people watch. :) Gotta love papaw!

A few days ago my sisters, mom and I went to the nursing home to visit him. He looked pretty could tell he didn't weigh hardly anything, and his color looked bad too. The cancer had taken over his body and he no longer had the desire to eat and drink. He was alert though, and tried to talk to us. He did say he couldn't wait to go to Heaven to see "mom" (aka. my mammaw). He kept telling us "when I die, I want you to..." and would babble on. So I know he knew it was coming soon. Funny thing is, is that tomorrow would've been his and mammaw's I am glad they get to spend it together. It's been some 20 years since they got to do that.

No one ever likes death or funerals...but I must say it makes it so much easier to cope with when you know for sure that person is in a much better place with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 2 of 30 Day Shred

Drenched in sweat...entire body shaking...I want to puke and die. That is all.

Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred I went to Walmart and spent $9 on Jillian Michael's DVD 30 Day Shred, and about $4.50 a piece on some 3 lb weights. Got home, put Peyton down for a nap and started my workout. Not even 2 minutes into it she was screaming and crying...evidently didn't want to take a nap. So I put her in her pack and play in the living room while I continued huffing and puffing my workout. That didn't last long either, so I eventually let her crawl around on the floor while I finished. I kept telling myself "It's only 20 minutes long, I can do this." Let me just say that was the most kick-butt 20 minutes of my LIFE!! Whoa, Jillian is a beast. I wanted to take a break during my workout simply for fear that I would have a heart attack and die on the spot while Peyton was pushing her Lion around the living room. But, then Jillian's annoying voice said "If a 400 pound person can do this, so can YOU." Then it hit me. I'm not even close to being half that in weight and I'm acting like I'm dying? C'mon...push these last two push ups like you mean last jumping what I kept telling myself. Then I was dying for another break...just 2 minute break...I swear that's all I needed! But Jillian said "Do NOT take a can do this. Push yourself. If you feel like you're dying, it's just your body adjusting." Hmm, Comforting.

I then looked down and noticed Peyton was laughing at me while I was jumping and flailing my arms around like a psychotic maniac. I saw her sweet, gorgeous little face and thought "Good grief Erin, do it for HER you freakin' slacker!" So I finished! And for the next 2 hours I wanted to puke soooo bad. No other workout (except for the P90X) made me feel that way. So, for the $9, it's well worth it!

Now it's the day after...I woke up and was pretty sore, but not so much that I couldn't move. On to day 2...I've got Gracie and Peyton both asleep, dogs are laying down actually being good and now's the time. Ugh...I don't want to do this. BUT I have GOT to lose this weight. 15 pounds isn't too much to ask for, and I'm tired of putting it off. I want to make myself proud...I want to make my husband proud...I want to be able to be healthy to teach Peyton the same. I know TJ thinks I'm beautiful...but I want to BELIEVE it. I want to feel it. Here's to day 2! I hope you jump on the 30 Day Shred bandwagon with me!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well, that's life.

After more than a year without seeing so much as a trace of her, she showed up last night. Can you believe the nerve?! Without even a warning. I mean, really?! NOW?! Now she wants to show her utterly annoying and disgusting self? I thought breastfeeding would keep her away, but nooooo, aunt flow just had to rain on my parade! LOL
So now I feel like a deflated balloon, without one ounce of energy. Thanks to 'auntie flow' all I want to do is eat and sleep, and I'm supposed to be working out to shed some lb's before we go to Florida! Which by the way, I'm so incredibly happy about! July 3...I guess I still have some time, right? I need to get her OUTTA here so I can feel a little bit normal again.

I'm a bit nervous about May 7th. That's the date I'm leaving for my women's's an overnight, and I've never left Peyton for more than a few hours. I WILL be ok, she WILL be ok...that's what I keep telling myself. I think this retreat will be good for me. It's based on a book called "Self Talk, Soul Talk" which I just started reading. It's basically about how women tell themselves lies which seem like normal talk after a while...."I'm not good enough", "Why didn't I do that?", "I'm so stupid", etc. Boy is that me! I'm constantly negative talking myself, and it seems so second nature. I'm hoping this book and this conference will help me to be more positive about myself.

OK, so I'm going to drink more coffee, eat some more donuts, and try to muster up some motivation to run the vaccuum and straighten up...but chances are slim.

Apology letter

Dear Blog,
I'm so sorry I've neglected you. It's not that I don't love you, it's just that...well...I forgot about you. I'll try to come visit you more often, I promise! I hope you understand. OK, you've now made me feel completely retarded for writing a letter to nothingness. My deepest apologies, oh blog!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I did it!!

I went grocery shopping tonight at about 9pm...the best time to go shopping if you're a novice couponer, such as myself! I was able to take my time strolling up and down each isle looking for good deals and freebies. I also didn't feel bad handing the cashier my huge pile of coupons and making sure everything rung up right b/c there wasn't a huge line of people behind me waiting to be checked out. So...some of the really GREAT deals I got were:

$.50 ea for Betty Crocker cake mix and icing
*free* Betty Crocker browning warm delights
$.75 ea for 2 Coffee Mate french vanilla creamers
$1.25 ea for 2 boxes of Ziploc bags
$.99 for a bag of Kroger salad
*free* Big Red 2 liter
$.83 ea for 3 Pillsbury Grand biscuits
$.50 ea for 2 frozen packs of steamfresh veggies
$1.06 ea for 2 packs whole wheat pasta
$.99 for a bag of the new Lays all natural BBQ chips

I got many many other really good deals, but those were probably my dirt cheapest. Total on this shopping trip, I spent $88...a total of $76 SAVED. This included getting my boneless skinless chicken breasts, 4 lbs of lean ground beef, and a rump roast! My trick for all produce/meat is MANAGER'S SPECIALS! These are the meats and things they need to get rid quickly, but it's never bad. (Well, from what I've seen. Always look over it good!) Don't be scared to get the manager's special items! I promise, you'll never pay full price for meat and produce again!

My other trick is using my coupons w/in store specials. For ex: every few weeks the paper will have a $3 off any Snuggle fabric softener...and every few weeks Kroger will have Snuggle on sale for $3.99 - can't beat buying a great fabric softener for $.99! Or buying cereal when it's $1.88 a piece, having a coupon for $1 off 3, that makes cereal $1.55 per box - and STOCK UP on it when it's this cheap. Too many times TJ has run out to get cereal and easily spent $4 - $5 on one stinkin box of Fruitty Pebbles. :)
I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and snatch up some freebies/more cheapies at other stores...I went grocery shopping so late tonight that I'm whooped now!

**Just for kicks, I looked at my Kroger receipt and did some math to see approximately how much per item I spent, and it was around $1.35 spent per item I bought tonight! I hope this inspires YOU to start couponing with me!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Peyton Baby!!

She said "mama" today!!! And yes, TJ was right....he said this morning that Peyton would say mama first. Believe me, I work with her everyday to say "dada" I know it's coming soon! I just hope the first time she says it, Daddy will be here to enjoy. ;)

My stab at couponing...

OK, so I'm really really trying to become a "couponer" know, those ladies in the grocery store w/a baskcart of food and paying like $5 for it? Yeah, one of those! The best I've done is save about $70 off my grocery bill at Kroger for using coupons and my Kroger Plus card. I still spent about $100 total though. I have gotten a few free things here and there, but I'm really going to test my skills this week and see how I do! My goal is to keep my grocery bill under $100. I usually grocery shop about every 2 weeks! I haven't been in longer than 2 weeks, so this may be dificult...but I'm gonna try! I have all my coupons cut, and will print some additional ones tonight. I'm going to start using my blog to tell people if I find any specially good deals, so check back w/me!

A super great deal I got last weekend: I bought 2 Baby Einstein dvds for $2.50 a piece, and 2 Brainy Baby dvds for $3.00 a piece! So far, Peyton really likes them! Here's the trick: whenever Baby's R US is having a BOGO on their dvds, find internet coupons to print out, and there ya go! (EX: I had 2 $5 off coupons for the Baby Einstein dvds. No coupons for Brainy Baby, they were already clearanced out and still qualified for the BOGO)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Old men

So I'm taking turns with my family staying with my papaw because he had a couple strokes and can't live by himself right now. He's doing really well, and I thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers for him! He cracks me up though...for example, this morning before I got to his house, his nurse visited him. She put a huge band-aid on his hand b/c he had a small cut. Wouldn't you know, he talked about this bandaid for the first 2 hours I was there! After going on and on about "why that nurse would've done such a thing" he ripped it off his hand, lifted his arm in the air and while waving it around said "woohoo!" You know how old men have that typical stubborness (is that a word?) about them. The next big event that happened was another nurse was coming over to give him a bath. "Well why are they doin that? I don't guess I need anyone to do that...maybe to wash my face, but I don't want them washin down there..." OH LORD, papaw! I finally was able to talk him into letting this nurse give him a shower, and he did...after telling her 50 times in a row not to get his butt wet...LOL! I love my papaw. He was really glad to see Peyton and I today. The last time I went to visit him he was in the hospital still (recovering and doing therapy) and he was super grumpy and very stand-offish. But I was really glad to see him in a much better, yet still stubborn mood! He told me stories about living in Hawaii for a year (he was in the army), how a few years ago he broke his leg at my cousin's basketball game, and about how good "that black nurse" took care of him at "that place o'er there I was at" as he says. :) It's just nice to spend time with the old men in our lives sometimes!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I feel like I've had an extremely busy week! I'm going to really try to start blogging more often, I swear! It's hard to get in the habit of doing this. Got Peyton's pictures done on Friday...let me just say that Portrait Innovations is a great place to go! (note: Erin is not a paid endorser of this place...but could be.) Anyway, you get a lot of pics for your money, it's just hard to narrow down which ones you want.
On to another totally different note...I found out that one must MAKE pickles...evidently cucumbers don't just turn into pickles after sitting around for a long time. I wonder who in the world ever thought to make things like pickles. I think the fried pickles I ate last night gave me bizzare dreams...but then again, I always have bizzare dreams.
Case in point: I had yet another reoccuring "toilet" dream last night. I constantly have dreams that I have to go pee (really bad) and every toilet I come across is totally disgusting and overflowing everywhere! I also dream that I can't find any women's restrooms, they are all unisex, and there are no stall doors. Weird, I know.
I also dreamed about my dad again. I have reoccuring dreams about him all the time too! Those dreams are bizzare b/c they seem very real, and I'm usually talking to him about things that are going on in my life I'm catching him up on my life. It's nice to have those dreams b/c I miss him sooooo increadibly much! I wake up feeling like I got to visit with him, and that feels nice. I'm glad my lingering memories of him aren't the ones neccesarily from the hospital, but they're good ones. Whenever I dream about him, he never looks sick (like he did for his last few months). I have recently dremt several times that I am dying of cancer, and it scares me to death. I'm so afraid of getting cancer like almost everyone else in my family! My papaw is the only one who has overcome cancer...and then he had 2 strokes (still doing fine and getting better, though!) Even though my sisters, mom and I went to visit dad in the hospital all the time, saw him get down to 80 something pounds, saw him fight like hell for his life for the sake of us memories of him are still so sweet. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggresive cancers, and the survival rate is the most slim. I remember sitting by his hospital bed when he would be sleeping, holding his hand and bargaining with God, "If you just let him live, I promise I'll go to church more often...I promise I'll not screw up so much...If you just do this one thing, I'll never ask for anything else ever agian..." and so on. I hate the saying "everything happens for a reason." I'd rather say "things happen in a way in which you will grow and learn from." My dad got saved on his hospital bed...and as much as I hate to admit it, I don't know that he would've been saved any other way. As much as I would absolutely love for him to be here to see all of his awesome grandbabies, it's taken me years to be at peace with the fact that he's better off in heaven. Wow, this post went from pictures and pickles to dark and dreary...not meant to be dark and apologies! Let me just give some (probably unwanted) advise: your parents are the only ones you will EVER have...cherish every second with them! When I was a young teenager (before dad was sick) I used to be so mean to him sometimes...I'd roll my eyes, talk back, etc. I remember one time we got in an argument and I yelled that I hated him. I will never ever forget the look on his face, and I wish that was one thing in my life I could take back! Before the tears start a commin', I'm signing's to sweet dreams and good memories! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spread the love

Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and I'm super excited that Peyton is getting dedicated at church! Here's a shout out to my you bunches babe! - Since this isn't B96, I'm actually going to spread the love of financial advise! So happy Valentine's day to anyone reading.
If you didn't know, I used to be a financial advisor. I really loved my job, and I like to think I was decent at it! Since we're in a fresh new year, I personally am challenging TJ and I to up our credit score. (To be clear, it's not bad! I'm not being a hypocrite or anything, so chill.) Everyone can use a few more points, huh?
This is how your credit score is broken down: 35% of your score is your payment history (wow!), 30% is the amounts you currently owe, 15% is how long you've had credit, 10% is from how many times you have applied for credit, and 10% is your mix of credit. So obviously making your payments on time is essential for a good score. When it comes to the amounts you currently owe, technically (talking in terms of having a high score) you shouldn't be using more than 30 - 40% of your credit line. (EX: your credit line is $3000, don't charge more than $900 - $1200). The more of that credit line you charge, the lower your score will go. The best way and the quickest way to build up your score is to charge a small amount to your credit card each month and pay it off in full, leaving no rollover balance. If you have multiple cards w/balances or multiple loans, here's a tip for becoming debt free: PAY OFF YOUR SMALLER LOANS FIRST. I know, I know...people used to look at me all cock-eyed and say "well shouldn't I pay off my highest interest rate first?" Well, it's up to you...but I personally believe one feels most accomplished when they are totally getting rid of knocking out your small credit cards or medical bills first is going to light a fire under your rear end, and you'll keep going and going like the energizer bunny! It's a huge motivater. Trust me on this one! I've seen this happen soooo many times. So I'm challenging you to take the credit challenge with us...I guarentee if you follow my simple rules, you'll be sittin pretty (or a lot prettier) in just a few months!

RECAP: THE GOLDEN RULE: Pay all your accounts ON TIME.
Rule #1: pay off your smaller amounts first.
Rule #2: Pay off any and all collection accounts...remember, a charged off account looks better with a $0 balance!
Rule #3: Look at your freakin credit report people!! You can get it FOR FREE once a year. Do NOT pay for your credit report...forget that "free credit report dot com" song, they are a RIPOFF!! Go to the credit bureau sites themselves:,, and If you want your score, you will have to pay a small fee, but the reports themselves are free.
Rule #4: Dispute any items on your credit report that you don't owe!! Don't you be payin your hard earned money to losers who made a mistake on YOUR report! If you need help disputing items, email me! Send me a message on FB! I'll help you.
Rule #5: Charge a small something on your credit card and pay it off in full when you get the bill. Keep a $0 balance on it from month to month. This is a sure fire way to really beef up your score in literally just a matter of months.

Blonde moments...

Boy do I have one too many of these. I haven't posted anything new to my blog until now because: 1. Well I have been busy w/church stuff, my 3 month old, and various what-nots, and 2. because I forgot my password. Yes I'm an idiot.
Throughout the life of Erin there have been quite distinct blonde moments. Only I'm going to call them Erin moments...because these are so much MORE than just blonde moments...and if you know me, then you'll know why they are "Erin moments". (OK, I'm now muting the toilet paper commercial on the TV because quite frankly the bears wiping their butts and leaving behind toilet tissue is very distracting.)

Erin moment #1: I used to drive a 96 Ford Probe. It was my first car, and I used to love it! It was always clean and shiny and smelled good on the dark, cold, and snowy night the poor probe was broken into. I was up in the wee hours of the morn (around 3:30 am) going into work as the lifeguard at the local YMCA. When much to my suprise, everything inside my car was radio was ripped out, leaving all the lonely wires hanging loose, my book bag for school was gone, and all my cheesy Backstreet Boys and NSync cd's were...yes...GONE. I called the cops to file a police report. About this time I see a strange small car lurking throughout the neighborhood, stopping at each house. "That's the theif!" I thought. So when a cop arrived after a few minutes, I told him I saw the theif and he was creeping and stoking out other houses! I pointed down the street and said "he went that way!" The cop jumped in his car and sped off, swirving and fishtailing on the icy roads. He came back about 10 minutes later to tell me he must have gotten away because he didn't see anyone. I continued to fill out the police report w/him, and off to work I went...extremely sad, depressed, and angry that I had to drive to work in complete silence because there was no radio. My sister called me about an hour later to tell me the small lurking car that was "creeping around" was in fact the paper boy...stopping at each house to put the paper in their boxes. Yes, I sent the cop after the paper boy.

Erin moment #2: Years ago when TJ and I were just dating, I was hanging out at his house with the fam. His mom was making lunch...grilling out burgers, hot dogs and such. I was helping her in the kitchen when she said, "Go tell Terry to turn on the grill." I was much obliged to do I was so hungry my stomach was eating itself. I never called TJ's dad, "Terry" instead I always called him "butthead". So I hollered, "hey butthead, turn the grill on!" He very seriously looked at me and said "well I ain't got the keys, I don't know where they are!" I actually believed him...I told Fonda that he didn't have the keys to the what? Fonda burst into laughter as she said "you don't have to have keys for the grill...he's just teasing with you!"

Erin moment #3: When I was a young teenager, I used to get cramps on the side in my lower abdomen. I was complaining to my mom one day about it, and she said "show me where the pain is exactly". So I pointed to it, and she very seriously says "Yeah, you probably have twisted ovaries." OMG!!! I really thought for a while that I had this horrible condition called twisted ovaries, and after telling my friends about it, and letting me believe it for a while, mom finally told me while laughing "oh there's no such thing as twisted ovaries! I made it up!"

Erin moment #4: I called TJ a skinhead out loud while sitting at Craker Barrel. I thought the word "skinhead" was what they called jock football players. Needless to say, our waitress who was African-American was standing right by the table when I said "oh, my little skinhead!" and rubbed his bald head.

Erin moment #5: I was on a mission trip with my youth group, back in the day. We went to Canada. And when I say "went" I mean we DROVE to canada...all packed in a huge 15 passenger van. On the way there, I thought I would tell this hilarious joke about a Leprachan who walked into a bar...and he spit out beer and wait he walked into the bar and peed and no that's not right. A leprechan walked into a bar and ordered a beer and said he had to I know the joke, just couldn't think of my youth pastor looked at me in the rearview mirror and said "I don't think that's a very appropriate joke..." and I responded with "no I know I know this joke, let me try it again. A Leprechan was drinking a beer..." and this went on for about 15 minutes. To this day I still don't remember the joke. And looking back, I think I totally offended the youth pastor and my fellow youth group peeps!

Erin moment #6: I went out with my friends for one of their birthdays. I believe we went to the Macaroni Grill. We were taking pictures with each other, and giving her gifts, and I hollered "Happy Barmitzvah!" I could've swore that meant "Happy Birthday" in Jewish. I think everyone in the restaurant was laughing under their breath at me.

Well although I could go on and on with Erin moments, I'll stop here. Maybe another day I'll post some more Erin moments for a good laugh! Hang around me for a little while, and I'll end up saying or doing something extremely stupid and embarrassing...because that's how I roll!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Reason behind the name...

Well a part of me would like to say I named my blog "writing in the sand" because I wish I was on the beach writing in the sand. Although that statement is completely true, here's the real reason...I was trying to think of some of my favorite stories in the Bible, and the one that always comes to mind is John 8:1 - 11. When the pharisees brought an adultress to Jesus and basically said she should be stoned according to the law of Moses. They asked him what he thought, and Jesus bent down and nonchalantly wrote in the sand. Then he said "Whoever is without sin, you throw the first stone" and bent down and wrote in the sand some more. Then they all put their stones down. I like to think Jesus was thinking "ya shmucks, that's what I thought!" The way Jesus reacted to people throughout the Bible is really inspiring to me. Sure there are other stories in the Bible that I love, but this one stands out the most. I hope and strive to be like Him...non-judgemental and forgiving of EVERYONE. That's the biggie for me. I tend to hang on to old crap. (Well figuratively AND literally according to my junk room downstairs). My purpose for this blog is different things: to let out things I have pent up inside, to make people laugh, to be informative, and mainly to give me something different to do. I will write about whatever is on my mind. I will write about my life; things I've been through, success, loss, failure, marriage, financial advise, money saving tips, motherhood, etc. My goal for this is to always be interesting enough to others so they want to come back and read more, to hopefully help someone feel better about themselves, to make people laugh, maybe even cry. But if there is something I can write that can move someone else, just one person, then I've accomplished much more than I intended. So here it goes...
And by the way, I wonder what Jesus actually wrote on the ground. With all do respect, I'll go with "Dill Hole".