Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby scare tonight...

Called my doc a while ago...was having painful braxton hicks contractions, and I'm only 15 weeks. Something just didn't feel right, I felt super nauseous and couldn't shake my bad feelings. So anyway, she called me back (she was in labor and delivery) and talked to me for a couple minutes. She then said "I think you're fine, but you wanna come up here and listen to your baby's heartbeat? Would that make you feel better?" "YES" I said. So we went and got admitted into labor and delivery triage. They are technically not supposed to let someone who is less than 16 weeks come in, but my wonderful OB called up front, told the girls I was coming, and they were all super nice. (OK, except for the woman who checked me in...she was a dumb ass.)

My OB actually came in, finally got the heartbeat on dopplar, checked my cervix and uterus and reassured me that everything is perfect. She is absolutely the BEST doctor!! EVER!! Most docs would have just sent their patient to the nearest ER, or told them "just try to relax and not worry about it, I'm sure it's nothing." But boy do TJ and I feel SO much better after going in. I had been crying, and it was pretty obvious to see it on my face. So after she checked me out, and told me she would love to do a sonogram but to bring that team in (since it was 9:30 at night) it would have to be an emergency. I told her that she already did so much for me, and I thanked her over and over! I said "Man, I just love you! Thank you so much for doing this for me!" And she gave me a big hug, said she'll see me on Wednesday for my normal follow up appointment.

I'm still having some cramping, and still getting BHC, but they aren't regular whatsoever, and it's not as painful as earlier. (Which they aren't supposed to be painful at all...) But, I'm just so thankful that the baby is fine and we heard his/her heart beating nice and strong. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's been a while...

Yep, it's been quite a while since I've written on here. Things at the Beeler household are going well! I'm finally feeling better (not so nauseous) but Peyton has had an on again, off again cold for a couple of months. I think it's the weather, and all the little sick kids in the nursery! She isn't around any other kids (other than her cousins) who are all very healthy, but she seems to catch colds very easily at church...most of the kiddos in there are snotty nose, coughing, etc! But I guess it's just building her immune system.

On another note, my sciatic nerve has been killing me some days. Some days is more of a dull pain, and others I can barely lift Peyton. I'm not sure why I'm experiencing this so early in this pregnancy...I didn't have the pain at all with Peyton. But laying down with a heating pad works sometimes.

I think today is the day we may end up buying her potty seat! I'm not going to be crazy concerned about potty training, we are going to take it slow! She's 15 mos now, and will be 20 (almost 21) when new baby gets here. So I figured I need to give her a few months to get the hang of it. And yeah, there's a possibility she'll hate it. I'm not going to be the mom who gets all flustered and aggravated over it though...if it happens, great! If not, we'll try again later down the road! Tomorrow TJ goes on his 7 days off (finally started his new position at work) so I thought it would be nice to start the potty training during a week when I have reinforcement! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful valentine's day! Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to do a v-day craft with Peyton...I want her to make her grandma's, paps, and cousins a card. And make mommy and daddy a card too! I saw some cute ideas where you can make hearts out of their hand or finger prints. So we'll see how easy or hard it will be...but I figured she can at least scribble on it a bit to put her own little touch on it! ;)