Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well, that's life.

After more than a year without seeing so much as a trace of her, she showed up last night. Can you believe the nerve?! Without even a warning. I mean, really?! NOW?! Now she wants to show her utterly annoying and disgusting self? I thought breastfeeding would keep her away, but nooooo, aunt flow just had to rain on my parade! LOL
So now I feel like a deflated balloon, without one ounce of energy. Thanks to 'auntie flow' all I want to do is eat and sleep, and I'm supposed to be working out to shed some lb's before we go to Florida! Which by the way, I'm so incredibly happy about! July 3...I guess I still have some time, right? I need to get her OUTTA here so I can feel a little bit normal again.

I'm a bit nervous about May 7th. That's the date I'm leaving for my women's retreat...it's an overnight, and I've never left Peyton for more than a few hours. I WILL be ok, she WILL be ok...that's what I keep telling myself. I think this retreat will be good for me. It's based on a book called "Self Talk, Soul Talk" which I just started reading. It's basically about how women tell themselves lies which seem like normal talk after a while...."I'm not good enough", "Why didn't I do that?", "I'm so stupid", etc. Boy is that me! I'm constantly negative talking myself, and it seems so second nature. I'm hoping this book and this conference will help me to be more positive about myself.

OK, so I'm going to drink more coffee, eat some more donuts, and try to muster up some motivation to run the vaccuum and straighten up...but chances are slim.

Apology letter

Dear Blog,
I'm so sorry I've neglected you. It's not that I don't love you, it's just that...well...I forgot about you. I'll try to come visit you more often, I promise! I hope you understand. OK, you've now made me feel completely retarded for writing a letter to nothingness. My deepest apologies, oh blog!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I did it!!

I went grocery shopping tonight at about 9pm...the best time to go shopping if you're a novice couponer, such as myself! I was able to take my time strolling up and down each isle looking for good deals and freebies. I also didn't feel bad handing the cashier my huge pile of coupons and making sure everything rung up right b/c there wasn't a huge line of people behind me waiting to be checked out. So...some of the really GREAT deals I got were:

$.50 ea for Betty Crocker cake mix and icing
*free* Betty Crocker browning warm delights
$.75 ea for 2 Coffee Mate french vanilla creamers
$1.25 ea for 2 boxes of Ziploc bags
$.99 for a bag of Kroger salad
*free* Big Red 2 liter
$.83 ea for 3 Pillsbury Grand biscuits
$.50 ea for 2 frozen packs of steamfresh veggies
$1.06 ea for 2 packs whole wheat pasta
$.99 for a bag of the new Lays all natural BBQ chips

I got many many other really good deals, but those were probably my dirt cheapest. Total on this shopping trip, I spent $88...a total of $76 SAVED. This included getting my boneless skinless chicken breasts, 4 lbs of lean ground beef, and a rump roast! My trick for all produce/meat is MANAGER'S SPECIALS! These are the meats and things they need to get rid quickly, but it's never bad. (Well, from what I've seen. Always look over it good!) Don't be scared to get the manager's special items! I promise, you'll never pay full price for meat and produce again!

My other trick is using my coupons w/in store specials. For ex: every few weeks the paper will have a $3 off any Snuggle fabric softener...and every few weeks Kroger will have Snuggle on sale for $3.99 - can't beat buying a great fabric softener for $.99! Or buying cereal when it's $1.88 a piece, having a coupon for $1 off 3, that makes cereal $1.55 per box - and STOCK UP on it when it's this cheap. Too many times TJ has run out to get cereal and easily spent $4 - $5 on one stinkin box of Fruitty Pebbles. :)
I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and snatch up some freebies/more cheapies at other stores...I went grocery shopping so late tonight that I'm whooped now!

**Just for kicks, I looked at my Kroger receipt and did some math to see approximately how much per item I spent, and it was around $1.35 spent per item I bought tonight! I hope this inspires YOU to start couponing with me!!