Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rantings and ravings...

I was extremely annoyed by a friend on FB posting about how her daughter is teething, kept her up all night, and how much respect she has for full time working mothers b/c she doesn't know how they do it. Well, I agree...but I have respect for ALL mothers. Because at LEAST the working mothers get a "break" by getting out of the house away from the screaming and fussing on top of the pooping, peeing out of the diaper, throwing of the food, falling and bumping the head, etc. Now, let's get this straight...I'm all for working mothers! I would be a working mother if I had a career I loved, and cheap or free childcare. BUT, I fully believe God intended me to be a stay at home mom, and He has blessed us for me to be able to do so. SO, next time let's not make this a war against stay at home moms, and working moms (which this friend does quite a bit). I respect ALL mothers who give up their bodies to their growing babies in the womb, who even attempt to breastfeed (because that's a battle in and of itself), for those who go to work everyday who I'm sure miss their babies beyond belief, and for those who stay home, get practically nothing done and want to pull their hair out on most days.

I had another friend straight up tell me once that she could NOT stay at home with her kids. Not that she doesn't love them...she's a great mother who loves her kids beyond belief! But she said she likes the balance of work and home, that it keeps her sane. :) Hmmm, sanity...oh how I miss you sometimes! It's like my lovely sister in law (SAHM) said (about both her and me) "we get through the day with our little friend, the anti-depressant pill!" LOL...that's for sure!

So for all mothers out there, no matter what you do...I respect you just for being a mom. It's a tough job, but one that NONE of us would give up for anything in the world!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Free Christmas cards from Shutterfly?!

Christmas is very quickly approaching, and I am *trying* to get everything done early this year! It never fails...I usually wait until the last minute on something or another. BUT I refuse to do that this year! Last year I didn't even send out Christmas cards...this year will be a different story. Especially since Shutterfly.com is giving away 50 FREE holiday cards to bloggers! YIPPEE!

I can't decide which one I will get...oh my gosh there are so many to choose from. Here's some I really like...

Although I'm not sure how I will choose. Well anyway, I'm happy about sending out Christmas cards this year...and at the same time I'm bummed about not sending them out last year! I meant to...but of course I had a teeny tiny baby, and was a huge emotional MESS!

Now, I will say I LOVE Shutterfly b/c of the variety of products they have. I used this site for Peyton's birth announcements last year (got 25 of them for $6.95 shipped!) They usually have really good coupons to go with their products. We also ordered Peyton's birthday invitations (you can see a pic of that on a previous blog post) which they turned out super cute! So make sure you check out Christmas invitations, photo cards, calendars and more HERE!

Tomorrow's plan: put up the Christmas tree. I'm hoping Peyton doesn't knock it down or brake any ornaments. If I knew then what I know now, I would've bought the ornaments that don't brake so easily. These will shatter if you flick them! She's pretty good about clasping her hands tightly together at her chest when you say, "No, don't touch!" It's really quite impressive how she responds so well to direction. :) She makes me happy!

On a side note: I'm hoping my spirits will be brighter come Christmas time. We had to get rid of Jackson tonight. He bit Peyton on the hand, and THAT was the straw that broke the camel's back. He's living with my mom now, and although I know I can go see him anytime, it still is so sad for me...and Zoe. She really misses him, and I'm worried that she will be grieving for some time. BUT, I know I have to look out for Peyton's best interest, and Jack was just not changing. I miss the little guy so much...he's been MY dog for the past 7 1/2 (almost 8) years. So, here's to happy memories we're leaving behind with Jackson; I know he has an awesome home. My mom absolutely loves that dog! He's super sweet and incredibly intelligent, but just not good with small children. So tomorrow we're not only putting up the tree, but I'll be trying to lift Zoe's spirits with, perhaps, a new rawhide bone and a toy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day is a comin'!!

Today was a rough day for Peyton and I. I know every mommy has them, but they absolutely SUCK! She wouldn't stop crying this morning after TJ left. I thought she was just sleepy b/c she had a rough night of sleep last night. (Kept waking up crying, and going right back to sleep.) Nope, not tired enough to take a nap! She wanted me to hold her while she fussed. So, I assumed it must be her teeth...you can see the outline of her two front teeth like they are about to break through. Gave her Tylenol, and that didn't seem to help. 2 hours later (and lots of frustration) I had to cancel lunch with my good friend b/c Peyton was such a mess.

I decided I would drive her around in the car, because at that point I was completely out of ideas and I was wearing thin after 3 hours of this crying/fussing/wanting to be held constantly (which, by the way, is so not like Peyton.) She fell asleep, so we came back home where we both slept for about an hour. She woke up crying. Again.

SO...she ended up smashing her finger in the cabinet doors in the bathroom (I know it hurt her really bad...it immediately turned purple-ish and got swollen), and a few hours later when it was time for her afternoon nap, she ended up crawling/falling out of her crib! I was absolutely terrified! There I was sitting in the recliner with the TV down really low since I was trying to get her to sleep. I could hear her in her room drinking milk from her sippy cup. She got super quiet (I thought she drifted off to sleep) and then a loud THUD...followed by a scream. I knew instantly (not sure how...) that she had fallen. Thank God she didn't fall on her head and hurt her neck, or brake something! So after calming her down, I lowered her crib to the lowest point it could go.

I really shouldn't complain when I have bad days like this...after all I am absolutely BLESSED beyond belief. I am so happy that I even have Peyton, much less that I am able to stay home with her everyday. Although it's a tough job, one that many of my mommy friends say they could never do, I have to thank God for all that He has given me. I thank Him everyday for our sweet girl, even on days when she is being rebellious and defiant! I thank God for a husband who understands when I just need to go in the other room and cry...for a man that gets up EVEN ON HIS DAYS OFF when Peyton wakes up, just so I can snooze another 30 mins to 1 hour...for the guy who comes home from work super tired and immediately starts helping me out with her.

So anyway...Thanksgiving is in 2 days, and this past week I've been thinking about everything I'm thankful for (which is a lot). But I must not ever forget to praise God and thank Him, even on the crappy days. Sometimes it's so easy for me to forget to do that! So here's to eating way too much food and to taking at least a couple of naps in between eating...Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update on the Beeler household...

So Peyton's 1st birthday was fun! On the day of her actual birthday we opened presents at home (TJ's parents came over just to see her). She seemed excited for her presents, and actually played with them. And of course tried to eat the wrapping paper too. Her birthday party was the following Saturday, and it was (surprisingly) low stress! Thanks to all the help from my mother in law, mom, sister in law and sisters. They all helped make food...I made some chicken salad sandwiches and picked up the cake and that was that!
Peyton did not like her birthday cake. She didn't want to eat...I think there was too much going on for her. Didn't really want to get her hands in it either, so I didn't push it (because I know how she is...if I try to get her to do something she really doesn't want to do, EVERYONE will hear little 'ol her pitch a fit.) Crazy how a little 1 year old can pitch such a fit! When she's really mad or upset, she bites her own hand...making her cry even more. Sounds mean, but it kind of makes me laugh! That's bad to say, huh?!

So not much new going on. My days consist of trying to do something fun with Peyton to keep her occupied and happy, and to keep her learning about new things! Sometimes we just go to the mall and walk around. It's fun to do that now that the holidays are coming up, she loves looking at the trees. She points and says "Dites" for "lights". Almost sounds like she is saying "dikes" LOL! I'm constantly cleaning the house, picking up after her, doing laundry and dishes, getting dinner ready, running to the grocery when needed, taking TJ lunch when needed, and when she naps I work on the computer doing church stuff. Really, I stay pretty busy! Honestly it's a job in and of itself keeping up with the cleaning and laundry...much less with a 1 year old walking right underneath my feet...OR constantly walking into another room where I can't see her! Now I know working mothers have it hard too...I'm not sure when they find the time to get it all done either. I try to keep things so that TJ doesn't have to do ANYTHING at all. Not that he won't, he's a great help! But I just like to have it all done for him...he works hard at his job providing for us, so I figure it's the least I can do for him!

I'm really so excited about Thanksgiving next week...excited that Peyton can eat "big people" food (to an extent), and I'm ready to see how she likes everything. I must say...I really think my life was just extremely bland and boring before she came along. She really does keep me (us) on our toes, and keeps us laughing all the time! It's not always fun, definitely not always glamorous, but becoming a mom was one of the best things that's happened to me!

So anyway...tomorrow Peyton and I are going to the park in the morning (yes, I know it's cold) but we're getting (searching for) 24 pinecones for my sister's 1st grader's project. Fun! We shall see how this goes...I'm hoping I can just find a HUGE pine tree with a ton of those suckers on the ground. Jackpot! :)

Good night to all...and if I don't blog before then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family/friends!