Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holidays and other things

So Christmas was great...went by a little too fast, but we had fun! Peyton got all kinds of good, lots of board books (which she loves and can't tear up), a little play kitchen (someone gave it to us practically brand new for it was from "Santa"), a new rocking horse, a couple of new baby dolls and a baby stroller (which she loves pushing it around everywhere!) We're still needing to plan out our Christmas day a little better so it's not so much running around...we go to my mom's in the morning, then his mom's for lunch, then back to my mom's for dinner with extended family. No one wants to move their Christmas to another day, so we're just kind of stuck going back and forth with poor Peyton melting down from no naps. We ended up having to leave his parent's house early b/c "demon child" was starting to come out! ;)

TJ has been off work for a few days (he's back today) but it was nice having him home and spending lots of time together! Especially since we thought he was going to have to work Christmas Eve and day...luckily his off days fell on paid holidays, and paid vacation days. So we didn't lose any money! That's ALWAYS a plus!

My search for potty seats is coming to an end...I told Peyton that maybe the Easter bunny would bring her one! (Let's get's still too early for her to be potty I figured the spring would be a good time to start) :) For Christmas my niece, Harley got a potty chair and I caught Peyton sitting on it a couple of times. So that was promising!! I have narrowed my choices down to 2 potty seats:
($30) So I like this one because it has the built in step stool and handles for children to be more independent. After reading tons of reviews, most people loved it but many said it does not adjust in size, so it doesn't fit every toilet. Well, our toilet is newer, has an elongated seat, and sits a smidgen closer to the ground than I'm afraid it may not work. But, other than the size issue that only a handful of reviewers had, everyone else loved it...their little ones became much more independent potty goers a lot sooner.
Here's the other option:

It's a Baby Bjorn brand, so it's a little expensive...about $30. BUT every review I read was great. This by FAR had the best reviews out of all the other potty seats. It fits over top of any toilet seat...somehow it is adjustable. Yes, it's just a seat without the handles and step stool and whatnot, but after reading the reviews I'm pretty much sold on it. No one mentioned their kid missing having any handles or anything. I found a 7 inch step stool that has a non slip bottom and top that will work for us...only $7.99 at Babies R Us.

So I'm definitely sold on the idea of a potty seat and NOT a potty chair. The chair just won't work for us and our tiny upstairs bathroom. However, if Peyton ends up being afraid of the big potty for whatever reason (which I don't think will be the case...she wants to go in there and play with it all the time...YUCK!) we'll end up getting a potty chair...and most likely the Baby Bjorn brand. Not that I'm stuck on brands at all...but again those brand potty chairs got good reviews. Some potty chairs have a high front and looks to be a little uncomfortable for a small child to get their leg over to sit on it.

So anyway, there's my take on the whole potty chair/set thing! I talked to my sis in law about beginning potty training, and I feel like I have a good plan in place. We're slowly weaning Peyton from having her milk as she goes to sleep (this is causing her to have REALLY wet diapers in the mornings). When the time comes I'll probably start out slow with the potty...only put her on first thing in the morning, and at night before bed. Misty (my sis in law) told me this worked really well for her kids since they were too young to really grasp the concept of going potty...this way they got used to the pattern of going. Sometimes they would "go", sometimes they wouldn't. But she let them get used to it FIRST. Then she gradually added in a lunch time potty, and so on and so forth. So this seems like a really good and consistent plan that we will try! So in a couple months...we'll see how this will work! :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Come on 2nd tri...

I would love to just lay around on the couch all day curled up in a ball drinking ginger ale. Morning sickness is for the birds! It sucks b/c I'm starving, but I feel so sick I can't imagine actually eating anything at all. And the thought of feeding Peyton makes me a little more sick! She's actually still sleeping (at 8:38am!) but good thing all she eats every single morning is oatmeal. I don't think I could deal with any other food at the moment. OK...pity party is over!

I'm looking forward to sisters and mom are all off work and we're going to attempt to take the girls to see Santa. I know, we are probably really crazy, but just want a pic of all 3 on his lap. So, we'll see how this goes! We're going to start a yearly tradition of making Christmas cookies too. I know the girls will love that when they get a little older and can actually do something!

Something has been on my mind a lot lately...and it's a VBAC. I know I have a long ways to go, but I did talk to my doc about a VBAC and she said I was a very good candidate since I never labored with Peyton. However, I would have to see a different doctor b/c the practice I go to will not do VBACs. First off, I don't want to leave my OB, she is absolutely great! Then we talked about the risks associated with it. I would have basically a 1% chance of having my uterus rupture, because the scar where my first c-section is would be so weak from stretching during pregnancy. So 99% that I would have a totally successful delivery. BUT she made it clear that IF I fell in that 1% things would be catastrophic. I mean, it would mean life or death for me and the baby. So I'm pretty sure I'm just going to have another c-section. Although I would love to know what a v-birth is like, I just don't think I'm meant for it. I really would rather not take the chance, even though it's just 1%. Of course when I talked to TJ about it, there was no question...he said "you're having a c-section!" The only sucky thing is the recovery time and having a new baby AND a toddler. Good thing mom will still be on summer vacation because I plan on her being here a lot to help me...and I plan on her taking Peyton to her house for a while while I try to rest and recoup.

We'll see how it will all play out...I've been told by many friends and my OB that the 2nd c-section recovery time isn't as bad as the first, and that your body heals up faster. I hope that's true for me! Well I hear a little voice jabbering from down the hall...I think she's ready for breakfast. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our BIG news...

So if you haven't seen it on Facebook already, TJ and I are expecting baby #2! I'm 7 1/2 weeks along, due beginning of August (BUT technically the end of July b/c I'm having a c-sect again). We're soooo very excited! I know many people are thinking "Were you trying?" or "Don't you ever use birth control?" And the answers are: Yes and sometimes! I wasn't on any birth control (um, that's usually how it works, huh?!) but I wasn't charting my cycle, basal body temp, cervical fluid/position, or any of that. We were just letting things 'happen' and hoping for the best. :) I'm really excited that Peyton and this baby will be about 20 close to 21 months apart. My older sis and I are 23 months apart, and I absolutely love it! I'm close with both of my sisters, and I like that we are all 3 close in age.

So in answer to your next question...yup I'm feeling REALLY sick. And it's usually an all day long kind of sickness. I haven't had any vomiting yet, but the nausea is really kicking my butt! The doc did call me in some works only sometimes. I try to keep my mind off of it since I'm usually chasing Peyton around, reading her books, playing with toys, trying to keep her from climbing on and in everything, etc. etc. I was nauseous with Peyton, but it came in waves throughout the day. I would at least get a break and feel great at certain points throughout the day with her. With this one, not so much! But that's ok...I'll take all the sickness and yuckiness if it means having a healthy baby. Everyone tells me that maybe I'm having a boy since I'm so much sicker than before. I don't believe that stuff...I think that every pregnancy is different, and you just never know!

Well this time around I will blog and document more about my pregnancy progress! I was too afraid to with Peyton. I guess I was afraid I would jinx something by writing and talking about it all the time. Towards the end of my pregnancy I got a little better about it...but I still never felt extremely comfortable...and I thought no one would give two craps about what I had to say! But, I find it very comforting and informational to read about other pregnancies, life with kids, etc that other moms post, so I'll try to do the same.

My next major hurtle...potty training Peyton! She's too young right now, but in about 2 or 3 months I will start to try. I just CAN'T and won't have 2 kids in diapers. So I need to get her over with and completely potty trained, and want to give myself plenty of time to do so! So I'm already debating...little potty for her, or get a potty seat for the big potty? There are so many pros and cons to them...
Little potty cons: I would have to clean it after every use, our bathroom is REALLY small (and I mean really small) and I don't know where we'd put and store it, I would still have to potty train her how to use a big potty anyway. Pros: She might feel more comfortable on it (being her size), she could use it on her own (not have to climb up to get on anything).
Big Potty cons: she could fall off, she could be scared of the big potty. Pros: She will know right off the bat how to use a big potty and hopefully would feel comfortable using one out in public, I just have to cleaning required (aside from the normal cleaning of the potty that I do!), space saver obviously.

So while I research, and debate, and read articles and consumer reviews (because, well, that's what I do with everything) I will let you know what we decide, and when we will start. Potty training a 15/16 month old will be hard work, and I get that. I'm not going to force her though...if she isn't ready, she just isn't ready. But, we'll see how this all turns out. So stay tuned!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Visiting Jack

So Peyton and I went to visit Jackson at my mom's house earlier. I almost cried when he greeted me at the door...he was very sweet to me and to Peyton! Although I miss him, I still stand by our decision to let him live elsewhere. I hate it so bad...I wish I could have used Cesar Milan's dog whispering skills to whip him into shape so he could still be with us. But, it just wasn't meant to be. He is really happy at mom's house...eating good, playing good, and he sleeps cuddled up with her under the covers every night (which I know he loves). So anyway, we stayed for a couple hours and I still had to be careful with Peyton walking around him. He did eyeball her a couple of times and I had to get on him. Not that he would ever attack her, but he just doesn't want her in his space, and his facial expressions are just slight enough for me to tell her to back off, or to tell him, "NO".

Peyton and I took him a huge rawhide bone, which I'm sure he's absolutely LOVING right about now. I do feel really bad for people who have to get rid of their dogs and never get to see them again. I know that some people don't care about it...they think a dog is replaceable. But not to me! My dogs have always been a part of my family (even when I was a little girl I thought this). I'm just so glad that Jack's situation has worked out so well.

Zoe is doing much better. She doesn't seem near as sad any more, she's been chewing on her bone, eating well, and playing like normal. I'm not sure how we got lucky enough to have such a good dog, but I sure am thankful to have her! Peyton likes to touch her ears and nose and eyes while saying what she is touching, and Zoe just lays there and lets her. I love not having to be stressed all the time, and not having to be on pins and needles waiting for Jack to growl at Peyton again. I miss the little booger...especially when we get home from somewhere and he isn't there to greet me. But his behavior has improved TONS already since living with mom. So I know it was good move for us and for him.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Surprises...

I got home from a meeting tonight around 9 and Peyton was already in bed, fast asleep. I went to put my jammies on, and in the clean clothes laundry basket I found her little rubber duckie. It just made my heart melt! She is always leaving her toys, or socks, or shoes in strange places and when I find them I just have to smile. Next to the basket was her little hot pink sock. My mind went back to earlier that day when she picked up her sock, and I asked "Where does that sock go?" She looked at me, crinkled her nose and grinned, and put the sock on top of her foot. :)

This evening TJ said he didn't give Peyton a bath before bed, so I asked "why?" Not that it was a big deal, she skips every now and then. :) But anyway, he told me that she was acting really sleepy and getting fussy (they had been in the basement playing) so he brought her upstairs and sat on the couch with her for a minute. She got up, walked into her room, and came back to him with her bunny and her pj's. When he told me that story, I seriously almost cried...she is just the sweetest, cutest, smartest little thing to me!! At 12 months old, she may not say all of her words very clearly, but boy does she know exactly what you are talking about when you talk with her. It's quite amazing! I didn't think babies could learn that fast...she loves to have books read to her, so when I tell her "go get a book and bring it to momma and we'll read it" She will walk her little self to her bookcase (or to a toy basket), grab a book, come back and hand it to me, and sit in my lap. It just totally makes my day everyday when I see her do something like this. I know every mom is proud of their kids, but I never really knew that your heart could feel like it would burst with pride and love for your little baby! So tonight, and EVERY night...Hug them tight, and kiss their sweet face. I miss the nights I have late meetings and I can't kiss Peyton goodnight. (She did end up waking up crying (teething) so I gave her some Tylenol, lots of kisses, and some warm milk.) There is seriously nothing better in the world to me than being a mother...a mom especially to Peyton. :)